Monday, November 25, 2013


I have a christian friend that thinks because a human reads “Hot wife” “Cuckolding” “Swinging & Swapping” stories that the person wants to engage in these behaviors. If this logic is true then should that a person who reads “Murder Mysteries” “Serial Killer Stories” then these people also want to kill someone.
To prove her logic if we get the surviving mass murders of recent to write down a complete list of reading material and we find that the read about say Charles Manson, Ted Bundy or Son of Sam we have it now in concrete proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now we get the mailing list of “True Crime” magazine subscribers and lock them up they are the future killers.

After all she said reading about wild extramarital sex is what you want to do! These people that shot a theater full of people in Colorado read about killers and then acted on it BINGO Perfect logic. Damn sure explains the preacher that said the earth was just 6,000 years old. Jesus said “A day is like a 1,000 years to my father” dammit boy can only be 6,000 years old perfect logic.

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