Friday, November 22, 2013


There is a lady that I foolishly or what was my reason invited to my home. I also paid for her trip from South Carolina so she could come here and get a job. In the job she succeeded waitress at Dennies Restaurant what she likes to do she says. I see no problem with that. But she is always saying things like you are exceeding your ban with and such about my computer.
One would think if One had such extensive knowledge about computers that one would be earning 6 figures doing this kind of work. I mentioned this and her reply was “Been there done that” after which she ran a litany of reasons that she did not want to do this kind of work, it gave me migraine headaches, sitting in a chair getting fat, and really non logical Bull Shit answers. This brings me to a quote from a long forgotten book written by two psychiatrist who could write you a prescription for medication, “We all lie to each other and to ourselves” and this person is lying very badly about her computer knowledge.

Shortly after she arrived she started telling me how much money she could be making as a dominatrix. Then all the people that would give her money for certain things. I silently or maybe asked well why are you not doing this instead of being here. This of course lead to another list of lies. She by the way owns a she says $1500.00 dollar top of the line Acer computer. She plays games and watches television through net flex is all she does with it. Her 16 year old son is hid out in my back room with a 36” television screen and an x box or something like it playing games and watching net flex all hours of the day. I must tell them to go mark time someplace else!!!

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