Wednesday, November 27, 2013

games adults play

There was a caption on a photo on Tumbler that shows a woman with sperm on her pregnant belly. Then it says that she was made pregnant on her honeymoon by the black man depositing his sperm on her for her white cuck husband to lick off. If this is real and if it does happen it is bound to cause harm.
Call me a racist fine, what do they tell the child a product of a silly adult game and a bastard too???? Now dad and mom do not live in a vacuum tube so if the lifestyle gets public the damage could cause a divorce. Now the black father may be called upon to play child support. What does he tell his wife about court order child support does another marriage explode?
What is the child told you were adopted ? Then when the child gets old enough to pay attention and someone says you cant deny your mother you look just like her. The child says I was adopted she is not my mother she is white my adopted mother. He or she hears this a few times and is curious so the child starts searching in the house. It finds a book of photos showing mommy and a black man together then discovers the rest too. Its whole life is lie its parents are liars too. It ask is grand paw and grand mother liars too???

What does the child do run away or commit suicide does it rebel in other ways. This child feels like a gut shot bear it has no no no respect for its father and its mother why should it they are liars and players of a sick game. Was it ever loved, who is its real father did it love it???

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cuckolding as it really is

There is an author on Literotica called Grey Eagle that has written a cuckolding story that is the way it should be more times than not. The lead character in it the husband makes good money has a good life and a beautiful wife too. His sister in law gets his wife into these meetings that he is told deal with all areas of marriage sex and even diseases. She tells him that she is going on a field trip and will be late.
The husband cant get into his wife’s computer and into the new icons on it, so he calls a few friends including his brother in law which is married to the woman that got his wife involved with this. This man will not say anything but what he does say alarms him. He calls his brother who is the computer geek for the local F.B.I. And gets a pass word breaker and a spy on his wife’s computer plus information on having cameras and voice recording in his house and grounds. He installs a GPS on his wife’s car so he can follow her.
He figures out what is going on from reading the emails and things. His wife leaves again and he stays up to wait for her at 0130 one thirty in the morning she comes in. She ask him what he is doing up this late, he replies that is my line don’t you think and leans to kiss her. He smells liquor on her breath her makeup is gone and her clothing is a mess. He says to her I want you to know we are well on our way to a divorce. Now instead of her spilling her guts and begging for forgiveness she drugs him.
He comes to tied to a chair, if this were me the divorce would be on. This man played on he reminded his wife when he said I guess this is where you kill me and she promised no harm to him. His reply was yes this is as good as the promise 10 years ago at the alter she left the room crying. But cam back to tell him of there new lifestyle.
Again he played along went up to there marital bedroom and ask his brother in law to show him how to prepare his wife. He set up the camera got the towels and ask his wife is this what you want to do she said “I guess. He pulls his Mossberg shotgun from behind his back and has to shoot one of the bulls. His wife calls 911 at his demand. The two black cops come in tell him to put his gun down he does they high 5 the bulls. One bull attempts to shoot him his wife jumps between him and the bull the shotgun clicks. He tells them about the state cops and F.B.I. Then he pushes his wife away lets his brother and state cops sort things out. His wife is going to jail.

As I said if this were me she killed any chance of ever having me again when I came to tied to the chair. Marriage is an agreement between two people really not any different than any verbal agreement because the vows are verbal promises. The same as if you verbally agree to mow your neighbors yard while they are in the hospital the only difference is you did not purchase a mower license from the county clerk. So if in the case of this wife and this husband communication broke and killed the marriage. In the case of the verbal mowing contract all it c

Monday, November 25, 2013


I have a christian friend that thinks because a human reads “Hot wife” “Cuckolding” “Swinging & Swapping” stories that the person wants to engage in these behaviors. If this logic is true then should that a person who reads “Murder Mysteries” “Serial Killer Stories” then these people also want to kill someone.
To prove her logic if we get the surviving mass murders of recent to write down a complete list of reading material and we find that the read about say Charles Manson, Ted Bundy or Son of Sam we have it now in concrete proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now we get the mailing list of “True Crime” magazine subscribers and lock them up they are the future killers.

After all she said reading about wild extramarital sex is what you want to do! These people that shot a theater full of people in Colorado read about killers and then acted on it BINGO Perfect logic. Damn sure explains the preacher that said the earth was just 6,000 years old. Jesus said “A day is like a 1,000 years to my father” dammit boy can only be 6,000 years old perfect logic.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I very much desire to be made into a mindless animal used for milking and sexual pleasure Sir. Kept in a stall, branded and ear tagged ....the life of a cow Sir

Have you never heard be careful what you wish for? Are there no human pleasures you enjoy? Cows do not smoke cigarettes or eat ice cream they don't wipe their asses when they take a shit, and they do not ever cuddle. They do not complain about cold or heat they never take a bath! They do not read or watch television or get on a computer or go to a dance or a movie. Is there no way you can blend your fantasy and the reality together?
This was sent to me the above statement about being a cow from a person on My answer was asking if there could not be a blend of fantasy and B.D.S.M.. I have a house guest God I wish I had not helped her, that is also from Collarme. I read the statements both the Cow's wishes and my response. She replied very attackfully that i do not understand. You set up time for B.D.S.M. and then for VANILLA life too. The vanilla was not mentioned in any way by the English used by the "Cow" Please who does not understand my house guest who can't understand English or me. She is from South Carolina. When i lived in North Carolina in the late 80's to early 90's there was a contest if  you will as to which schools were 49th and 50th in the nation. I think we may need to ask England to sent new people to inhabit these two states and relocate there peoples to California. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The tie That binds

There are a couple of photos on Tumbler that I saw that have me wondering if we are tearing at the glue that binds things together. If you go to United States Marine Corps you go through a similar experience whether you go to boot in Paris Island or San Diego and become a Marine. This experience makes you a Marine!! Perhaps the younger people coming up have lost the preciousness of certain things that others have held dear.
There were two photos on Tumbler one showing a virgin wife giving that virginity to a black lover while her white husband kissed her. The other was captioned your wife never lets you have her anus but Jamal (black sexer) gets it. This to me would be like building a rock wall with diluted mortar mix it will fall or having a Marine graduate boot without ever exercising or being discipline. Both will fail, If this is real in either case then the Marriage mentioned should fail too, because the glue that is suppose to hold it is destroyed. The bride giving her virginity to anyone but her husband if she is a virgin on the wedding day is bound to hurt the husband and become a festering wound that will not heal.
The same in the instance of the wife letting Jamal have her ass but denying her husband. These things feed and nourish the ties that bind. This nourishment would be like taking the All Madden Football team and pitting them against any other without feeding them any thing but bred and water once a day for 6 month before, even as good as they are they simply do not have the strength and endurance to last the length of the game.
I am 58 and if I married a virgin and we were in love I will never agree for any man to take this precious gift she saved for me no man no color is going to do her doggie while she kisses me. If this happens and it is not me tied up and a total rape by people that I am sure she was not known to, there will be an annulment. Now if we are the unfortunate rape scenario of a group she will be mine just as if she was never touched. 

Friday, November 22, 2013


There is a lady that I foolishly or what was my reason invited to my home. I also paid for her trip from South Carolina so she could come here and get a job. In the job she succeeded waitress at Dennies Restaurant what she likes to do she says. I see no problem with that. But she is always saying things like you are exceeding your ban with and such about my computer.
One would think if One had such extensive knowledge about computers that one would be earning 6 figures doing this kind of work. I mentioned this and her reply was “Been there done that” after which she ran a litany of reasons that she did not want to do this kind of work, it gave me migraine headaches, sitting in a chair getting fat, and really non logical Bull Shit answers. This brings me to a quote from a long forgotten book written by two psychiatrist who could write you a prescription for medication, “We all lie to each other and to ourselves” and this person is lying very badly about her computer knowledge.

Shortly after she arrived she started telling me how much money she could be making as a dominatrix. Then all the people that would give her money for certain things. I silently or maybe asked well why are you not doing this instead of being here. This of course lead to another list of lies. She by the way owns a she says $1500.00 dollar top of the line Acer computer. She plays games and watches television through net flex is all she does with it. Her 16 year old son is hid out in my back room with a 36” television screen and an x box or something like it playing games and watching net flex all hours of the day. I must tell them to go mark time someplace else!!!

Different strokes

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wild sex parties

There was a photo of a black man and a white woman having oral contact on Tumbler, the caption said Bachelorette tasting black c**k. Then it said her husband when he kisses the Bride will get his first taste of Black C**k but not his last. I suppose that i am not real into this trend. I have watched "Dancing Bear".
So I am quite aware that at a private party of females the wildest things happen usually the woman blowing the dancers and even sex too. and not just one but many of these women. Like it is private and we will not be caught.
   Now these parties are filmed and put out there for public buying and consumption. They are office parties bachelorette parties and birthday parties and other types of parties. The theme of them is  a room full of women and about 4 men male dancers that dance with covering then nude. Usually one woman takes the c**k of one these dancers in her mouth and look out the wild begins. Now I do not know if these women are told that this is being filmed or not but surly they see the camera person as he follows the dancers around.
   I suppose that the women of today are not any different than woman have ever been but are there men like them? Does this first mentioned Bachelorette soon to be husband expect this behavior and endorses it or does he expect something else? But if he is the kind that does not have sex on his Bachelor party he may expect the same level of honor from his lady. I would expect her to keep her mouth off of the black Dancers c**k and I would keep my mouth and other body parts off of the dancer or dancers at my party.
  If we had a agreement that we where going to be open in our relationships then it would be ok but I certainly would write my vows with this in mind and in the wording of those vows.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

King Midas of Persia

I like reading stories of  Cuckold & male feminizing both seem to run together. The man (husband) talks the Woman (his wife) usually over a long period of time before she does it into having sex with another man, so the wife has Cuckolded him and she is as Cuckoldress. This Sex happens in front of him with the Bull or other man. Now as these stories go he (husband) has fantasies of dressing in fem or not. As the wife looses respect for her husband she usually forces him to do things with her other lover and of course clean her with his (husbands) tong.
   Follow the story and usually the other man ends up with the wife, husband is in chastity or put on female hormones and turned into a sissy or a fem man cross dresser fluff er sex toy. I use to feel some sorrow for this man(husband) and (wife) because they started what is suppose to be a lifelong relationship, that took a sharp left turn and a bad ending.
   What does this have to do with King Midas Of Persia, just this he was the first or close to it for this calamity. He had the riches kingdom in all the world the story goes and happiness too, but like our Cuckolding Marriage it was not enough. He wish every thing he touched would turn to gold his regret came when he touched his most beautiful and beloved daughter, for she too became cold stiff GOLD!!
   See this begins as bedroom talk and fantasy, if a man wants to be dressed as a female to see what it is like go to FemX studios in Dallas where they will fulfill this with a complete night on the town with the girls. Hell you and your wife go as sisters, BUT before you do take at leas two legal pads and writ down every thought  you two have about this, and rules for engagement and most importantly STOPPING this before it gets out of hand. I am betting King Midas wanted to add a few provisions to his wish like food and family!! Don't be like King Midas think it through even if it takes a year or more before you start.

Friday, November 15, 2013

For those of you into the black and white breeding fantasy

Why not create some kind of nano technologies that can be placed into the brains of all white males so that instead of them having sex with white women there seamen is collected. Eggs from white women are too collected and then only allow female births of white women with a statistical white male birth rate to keep the population viable enough to always have white woman for black men to fuck. This nano thing should be put in all non African black brains and then they would control the whole world. Those unwilling white women that would use the N word would be bred and knowing what they were doing and with who. Their minds could be controlled so that they would not even enjoy the sex or birth but could not stop being a great mother to her Mulatto children!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I gave a lady money to come to me in Texas from South Carolina because she had no job and was in a bad situation with her mother giving her grief and  a niece too. Now she has been her almost a week she called her mother to see if her mother deposited her check in her bank account. Her mother told her that the mail has not ran  yet. NOW Monday was veterans day so no the mail did not run but this is Thursday  three days from the holiday. When I said after her telling me that her mother said the mail has not ran as the  excuse for not depositing her check, today is not that her daughter and grandson left  for a more tolerable life.a holiday. She shouted at me that she believes her mother and it is none of my business
   We give mothers the golden crown of doing good and no evil in there hearts or lives. BUT I was in a play with a man who wanted to go to the University Of San Diego for a particular program, he got it but his mother not wanting him to go kept the letter from him until it was too late.He explained that she did not want him to leave his small town in Texas. Well he ended up joining the United States Air Force to get a job with enough money and benefits for him his wife and there child.The mother lost him to a entity that would determine where he lived as long as he was in the service.
   I think she would have been better served letting her son go to college and get the job of his choice at least he could choose where he wanted to live. She will have a hell of a time visiting her son in Kandahar. My own mother has intruded on my life with her money and advise that I do not visit or speak to her any more. In 1974 she took me at 18 enrolled me in welding school in Sweetwater Texas.Now I am being tested tomorrow for Parkinson's brought on by breathing the welding fumes. You can Google this and find out about welding causing Parkinson's. My mother of course will have none of it she played no part in it even if she told me that if I was going to get her help it would be welding school. My guess is this mother is pissed

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Helping people/finding a partner

I helped a lady and her son call her Jane and him Jim come from South Carolina to Texas because she was in a horrible situation in a place with few jobs to a place where she can find a job. She wants a job waiting tables at IHOP. She says she can make lots of money as a waitress and likes it. Too listen to her she will have a job in a few days.
  Then there are the things I object to the dogs in the house, her dogs in my house.Also her rants about the 13 year old Mexican child killed in California how it is the child's fault for not putting the gun down. Then another rant began about the woman in Stokley Illinois threw so hard into a concrete slab that she needed reconstructive surgery on her face. According to Jane this woman is set for life and suffered no real damage and was probably happy to have it happen.
   After her first full day her I can understand if this is her normal operating mode why she was laid off and without work in South Carolina. I know here in Texas they will just send you down the road for  big attitude. I personally think our police are becoming Jack Booted thugs who delight in harming the citizens of any community.
   She is as she says O.C.D. and cant stand my dirty unorganized house. I would be grateful for someone sending me $300.00 so I could go someplace if I lived in a town of 20,000 people in a poor county in South Carolina. So I could have a opportunity to find a job get money in savings and pull myself up in life.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Newly Bred

I grew up on a farm/ranch operation. My father trained horses and we had like 18 to 22 head all the time they had to be ridden fed hoofs taken care of and occasionally a filly in the bunch with a stud to be bred. We bred cattle and sometimes dogs too. On these white to black websites there are photos of "Newly Bred" which shows a black man a white woman very pregnant, sometimes with other children there two. These people are obviously a family unit. I do not consider a husband wife and two children "Bred".
   To me bred is when you put in a pen where neither can leave a bitch dog and a male dog that you want to bred together and you watch for signs that he has done his duty to dogdom. When she is bred you remove him from the pen. Or you pair a bull and a cow or cows together. Another words there is no choice in partner. So like in a cuckold relationship where the white male  is in chastity and his wife is free to be with the black bull.
   So the Black Bull gets her pregnant this is Newly Bred. This Black man stepped in between the husband and wife relationship and inserted his seed without there being a choice. White husband is in lockup with his breeding equipment and his wife is made pregnant by her black lover. I do not see it as in a black man marries a white woman and they have children together this is not "Breeding". This is a love child, this is the beautiful offspring of love between two people in love. Breeding would be if this white woman was taken tied down and made to have sex with any other man till she popped pregnant on a test. That is Breeding, the two dogs have no choice, the cow and bull have no choice,the horses have no choice.
   If the white or any family submits to another man as the leader they no longer have a choice. So a Black Owned Family has no choice they must do as the Black man that they submitted to wants this is "Breeding" yes it was given by the white woman and the white man but when she pops pregnant with the black mans child it is Breeding because she had no choice.