Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The news media Alarmest

My morning began with a post on Facebook by someone about the Antarctic sea ice being at record levels and the  Arctic sea ice being at record levels, I have heard nothing about this from say Sam Champion on Good Morning America. I thought reporters were to report the facts what ever those facts were. Well I found a article on the Polar Bear's.
   I suppose because I would if I ever get the money.I would like to hunt bear not nessarly Polar Bear but perhaps one of those nearly extinct  Black Bears in the lower 48 states. It is interesting that the USFWS (United States Fish &Wildlife Service) reports that the "Chukchi Polar Bears Thriving as Arctic Ice Recedes". They report weight gains in these bears due to more seal pups to graze on. But they use a sentence that made me laugh "Before Climate Change Became The Cause Du Jour". I worked in a kitchen cooking for college students the production chef point out that the term "Du Jour" is of the day as in soup of the day.
   I use to have ducks and a Guinefowl until domesticated dogs killed them, of neighbors that think there dogs should, now that they are in the country run free. That is another story. I use to watch these birds eating bugs and wondering around doing what ducks and guinefowl do. I love to watch wild life and it is interesting that for there to have not been anything but a big explosion to create this place it seems to have been very damn constructive. I guess it is not the same kind that blows up embassies and buildings.

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