Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dogs & Cats

They had on television a piece about how cats with cameras attached to them showed how many things that they killed in a day. One woman remarked when she as told what a "Serial Killer" her cat was "He is the cutest little serial killer ever".
  I live in the country and people buy a couple acres in the country then think my dog can run free. These free roaming dogs will and I have witnessed them killing a yearling (year old cow). I try to raise chickens which cost money, for eggs and meat and the joy of watching them roam peck and kill grasshoppers crickets ext.
Well these free roaming neighbor dogs and those dumped out because of being unwanted from the city kill my birds.
  This is a problem because the humane society and such have gotten it to be a felony for harming these killers. Think God I live where I do and am allowed to protect my property which includes shooting dogs and cats. House cats will decimate Quail populations and breed then become feral cats. Dogs will do the same thing live and breed even cross breed with coyotes. Unfortunately they mostly hunt at night. I have shot my own dogs for killing my birds and do not own dogs for that reason. I have killed dogs of mine chasing calves too.
   Why is it not a felony for dumping a dog out in the country. Why is it not a law that all dogs should have collars and name tags of the owners on them. I would love to call a owner of one of these expensive German Shepard's I have shot hunting on my place. I do not walk without a gun on my land because of two very large German Shepard's that growled at me on my own land but they lost the gun fight at least one of them did.
   My citified neighbors across the road have and keep dogs that have chased neighbors horses in fact the neighbor shot at one of the dogs. So the dog owner called the sheriff and the officer talked to the owner of the horses. When he had the facts he told the dog owner his dog could be shot doing such.

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