Saturday, October 26, 2013


It amazes me that the "Christan" people wish to push there agenda on others even if these other do not wish it. The example is suppose to be this man JESUS, who when one of his disciples cut a roman guards ear off he put ti back an rebuked the disciple saying "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword". This by the way on the night of his scourging and crufiction he put up no fight. Christan's put bumber stickers up WWJD what would Jesus do.
Jesus must have been one hell of a cop judge and executioner too. Jerry Fawell would have had all homosexuals killed, WWJD must be right he was Jesus repesenative on earth. A friend told me of a dying gay man that the weight of the sheet caused him pain he would get his sheets off on the floor. His CHRISTAN family came in and put them back because they said there dying son should not be nude, WWJD guess he would have gotten the heaviest blanket he could find and covered this gay man's nudity. After all these people were CHRISTAN Jesus repesentaves on earth.
I wounder how they square Jesus activities with there activities and the WWJD. I would think they would consider looking at the BOSS Jesus and reading the gospels over and over until I understood Jesus life. Then I would go to the non canonization books in the original BIBLE before the Niceen council of Constantine and see what they say as well.

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