Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dogs & Cats

They had on television a piece about how cats with cameras attached to them showed how many things that they killed in a day. One woman remarked when she as told what a "Serial Killer" her cat was "He is the cutest little serial killer ever".
  I live in the country and people buy a couple acres in the country then think my dog can run free. These free roaming dogs will and I have witnessed them killing a yearling (year old cow). I try to raise chickens which cost money, for eggs and meat and the joy of watching them roam peck and kill grasshoppers crickets ext.
Well these free roaming neighbor dogs and those dumped out because of being unwanted from the city kill my birds.
  This is a problem because the humane society and such have gotten it to be a felony for harming these killers. Think God I live where I do and am allowed to protect my property which includes shooting dogs and cats. House cats will decimate Quail populations and breed then become feral cats. Dogs will do the same thing live and breed even cross breed with coyotes. Unfortunately they mostly hunt at night. I have shot my own dogs for killing my birds and do not own dogs for that reason. I have killed dogs of mine chasing calves too.
   Why is it not a felony for dumping a dog out in the country. Why is it not a law that all dogs should have collars and name tags of the owners on them. I would love to call a owner of one of these expensive German Shepard's I have shot hunting on my place. I do not walk without a gun on my land because of two very large German Shepard's that growled at me on my own land but they lost the gun fight at least one of them did.
   My citified neighbors across the road have and keep dogs that have chased neighbors horses in fact the neighbor shot at one of the dogs. So the dog owner called the sheriff and the officer talked to the owner of the horses. When he had the facts he told the dog owner his dog could be shot doing such.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let Us Hope This is fiction

You Are Here: Home » Blog Posts » Obama Announces Dictatorship [Full Speech Transcript]

Obama Announces Dictatorship [Full Speech Transcript]

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Hello America,
It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today, finally relieved of the burden of trying to pretend that I am something I am not. For the first time and now for all time, you will see me for who I really am. The good news is that the long-promised transparency is here. The bad news is, you aren’t going to like what you see.
I’m no longer speaking in keeping with the former parameters through which my performance and leadership were defined. As of this moment, the insignificance of your opinion of me, my administration or my leadership could not be greater. No longer must I maintain appearances or meet some arbitrary metrics as the leader of the free world. Let me be clear and dispense with that title now. I am the leader of the world and it is no longer free.
Finally, now that the need for stealth has been eliminated, I am at last able to come out and address you and speak to some of the issues that have been dogging me for the last five years. I do not seek your approval. Rather, for the sake of ultimate order you must understand that your situation is hopeless.
First of all, I’ll give a little backhanded congratulation to those of you who have been labeled as conspiracy theorists. You fought a noble and hard fight against overwhelming odds, power and influence. But in the end, the outcome was as it had to be.
I relish greatly the fact that I am able to stand here today, and with impunity declare that you were in fact right, and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do. I defeated you simply through the art of manipulation. You had the truth, but I had the power.
My cabal controls the judicial and legislative branches. Nobody would investigate or act on anything you exposed. Contrarily, many of them were my chief protectors, hiding what they all knew or assumed to be the truth under a flimsy veil of lies and threats. You learned the hard way that being right doesn’t necessarily triumph over true power.
On the issues of my citizenship, social security card, selective service, my Chicago law license, my educational records, my birth certificate, all of the issues which could have potentially exposed my fraudulent and highly questionable background, you were right. Communist icon Frank Marshal Davis wasn’t just a close friend and mentor, he was my real father.
I was raised a complete and total socialist from infancy. This whole Obama identity was a creation to exploit the Kenyan connection, which was fabricated to take advantage of my Muslim Brotherhood ties around the globe. A supposed family connection provided excellent cover for our covert political operations.
For those of you who still question my religious faith I have one question. How naïve can you be? Ignore the lies coming from my lips and judge me by my actions. I have never disputed my upbringing as a Muslim in Indonesia. My elementary school records prove it.
I simply attended this whacked out racist church and you gullible Christians believed that I had “seen the light.” We have different lights, you foolish Americans. My association with Jeremiah Wright’s church in Chicago was merely a tool through I was able to gain a political base, credibility, and access. In your heart you knew it all along. It was a necessary component of my reinsertion back into the American scene.
My outreach to what you label as “terror front groups”, the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in my administration’s policy making and sensitive critical positions, the guiding principle of never publicly identifying Islamic terror for what it is, the rewriting of the military training manuals and materials to cleanse references to Islamic terror, the pro-jihadist rules of engagement, are all based upon my personal beliefs. It is immoral to depict the actions of my brothers in jihad as terrorists. They share the same commitment as I do to stand united against the American oppression.
As far as who I really work for, it will become abundantly clear in short order that the United States and other nations around the world are merely out-dated archaic remnants from a time when national sovereignty and borders were critical to a people’s survival and identity. Those characterizations of race, language, ethnicity and religion have no meaning in today’s dawning world of global government. Corporate and financial allegiance will be the defining identifiers of who a person is what where their loyalties lie.
I urge you to remember that we have invested an incredibly large amount of time and resources into the development and creation of a worldwide surveillance and enforcement grid. It is inescapable. You have no freedom from government monitoring and no privacy. If you are disloyal or subversive, we will know it. I urge you to act accordingly.
I have assembled, under the umbrella of Homeland Security, a national defense force to which no other nation in the world can muster a comparison or a challenge. There should be no doubt that the proper road to survival for each and every one of you is to take the path of least resistance. Those who are disruptive will be eliminated. You have seen my true nature in my previous battles with the American people and my enemies in government. I am not one to be taken lightly or to have my warnings ignored.
For the record, we will be conducting mandatory arms confiscations of all weapons, especially targeting handguns, shotguns, rifles and ammunition. We have reasonably complete data on gun ownership, and you can expect frequent, unannounced house to house searches and collections of firearms.
Those of you wishing to comply with the government mandate to turn your guns in to the authorities will have 72 hours to do so. Once that period of time has expired, any unauthorized possession of a firearm by a citizen will be dealt with harshly, including immediate termination of that offending individual and seizure of all of their personal property by the State. Prison sentences for complicit family members will also be prescribed.
As you know, all of your communications are monitored and controlled. The same is now true for your movements. Any travel beyond a ten mile radius of your registered address will require pre-approval by TSA, the Transportation Security Agency.
All Americans and residents are receiving tracking devices, which will be implanted on your persons in the form of under-the-skin microchips. These chips will be monitored by the Internal Revenue Service, utilizing the information stored and gathered through the NSA, Affordable Care Act and other means.
Any activities associated with privileges, such as driving or working, will be verified and authorized through the chip. Food purchases, rental payments, utility payments and all other transactions relating to your personal lives will also be controlled and monitored through the micro-chip.
Those of you who comply with the government mandated changes will be permitted to live in relative comfort. I can assure those of you who are disruptive that you will not have an easy time of it. Do not make the mistake of thinking that we are not serious or that we can be defeated through a simple uprising. The events of today are the result of decades of hard work and tireless planning. Our time is now. Our dominion over the world is inevitable. This is your new reality. If you wish to live, you have no choice but to accept it.
You would be wise to dismiss any feelings of resentment you may have towards me or my government. In your open society you had multiple opportunities on a daily basis to take action to prevent what has happened.
You chose leisure activities or greed-driven work schedules as the focus of attention rather than the actual danger that was starting you in the face.
Even when you recognized the danger you did nothing. At virtually every turn you waited for someone else to take action. Well, today, America, someone else did take action. That someone else was me.


This is my interpretation of how the events of the last five years will play out if this madness and criminality is allowed to continue. There is no doubting the objectives of this regime. The doubt is only in the level and the means of the response, if any, by the American people.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page for more posts from Rick Wells, or to “Like” him on Face book.

The news media Alarmest

My morning began with a post on Facebook by someone about the Antarctic sea ice being at record levels and the  Arctic sea ice being at record levels, I have heard nothing about this from say Sam Champion on Good Morning America. I thought reporters were to report the facts what ever those facts were. Well I found a article on the Polar Bear's.
   I suppose because I would if I ever get the money.I would like to hunt bear not nessarly Polar Bear but perhaps one of those nearly extinct  Black Bears in the lower 48 states. It is interesting that the USFWS (United States Fish &Wildlife Service) reports that the "Chukchi Polar Bears Thriving as Arctic Ice Recedes". They report weight gains in these bears due to more seal pups to graze on. But they use a sentence that made me laugh "Before Climate Change Became The Cause Du Jour". I worked in a kitchen cooking for college students the production chef point out that the term "Du Jour" is of the day as in soup of the day.
   I use to have ducks and a Guinefowl until domesticated dogs killed them, of neighbors that think there dogs should, now that they are in the country run free. That is another story. I use to watch these birds eating bugs and wondering around doing what ducks and guinefowl do. I love to watch wild life and it is interesting that for there to have not been anything but a big explosion to create this place it seems to have been very damn constructive. I guess it is not the same kind that blows up embassies and buildings.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Living life

There was a man that lived or not depending on what you believe called Jesus. Jesus said as a rabbi QUOTED "Treat others exactly as you yourself want to be treated" this statement could the more I think about it solve all of mankind's differences.
   Say your neighbor is a nudest he has in his family a male child a female child and his wife. You are  clothing wearing Christ believing Sunday morning worshiping Christan. Now the neighbor is a Wicca or a atheist too. You see the conflict here 1st the belief difference 2nd the wardrobe difference.
  Mr church goer is of a mind he must in the name of Jesus put his neighbor straight on both it is not right! Jesus did not say "Do to the neighbor what you think is RIGHT". Mr CHRISTAN should ask himself what would he want his nudest Wicca/atheist neighbor to do in regards to him and his family. Because Mr Christan  like most Christan's will be telling his neighbor that his beliefs are wrong and his dress code is wrong especially with young children, this under the BANNER OF WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM.
"TREAT OTHERS EXACTLY AS YOU WHIST TO BE TREATED"  So if Mr Christan neighbor would ask would I want Mr Wicca/Atheist  having a  service in my front yard or spill over from his meeting ? Would I want Mr Nudest inviting my family to a party knowing everyone there will be naked? The answer to both questions will be NO!!
   This being the case Mr Christan should not call child protective services on the naked children, he can perhaps asks that his children not be exposed to there lifestyle,knowing the inevitable accident will occur.Mr Christan may say there is a god in him we live and we survive if you ever whist to know about him I will be happy to talk with you.
   By doing what I have outlined the Mr.Christan of the world will come to understand that allowing tow same sex people to get married is nothing more than treating them as they wish to be treated.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I guess this is my complaint about the news media

Tonight 10/27/2013 and Benghazi happened in 2012 just now did 60 minutes do a story about it. My face book tells me about a 13 year old child killed by a deputy sheriff in California. Then there is a tape of a police officer shooting in a crowded street a dog in California. I see where in Stokley Illinois a woman it thrown by a police officer so hard she bust her face and has to have reconstructive surgery.
   Tomas Jefferson said he had rather have a good press than something else. There is a poem by by John Donne with the lines in it "Therefore never send to know who the bell tolls for it tolls for thee". "Because I am involved in mankind any mans death diminishes me". I agree with these two lines so a family killed in New York  city by knife blade is as important to me as a drunk lady in Stokely Illinois being abused by the police.
    Sad thing is except for the 60 minutes thing I found out about the other events over my computer. Our "Journalist, reporters,and news media" have a agenda but there real agenda is set for them by the Job title (report the facts). KTXS Chanel 12 in Abilene is always saying they report the facts. Every thing mentioned is a fact and a important one. If police brutality is to be curbed it must be made know nationwide.
    If these "facts" reporters keep this hidden then it is just a single lady in Stokley or a half English speaking Mexican family in California, or a over zealous dog. The dog's owner was cooperating with his arrest for the crime of filming police doing there work. Could have they not released this man from his cuffs and had him restrain the dog?? Instead they made Hitler,Stalin,and Mao proud they acted like jack booted thugs and were filmed killing a dog.
   In the Stokely case the police cameras caught this brutality. By the media not reporting these facts there will be no national outcry for new guidelines for cops,nor a cry for them to be jailed like the criminals they are. Finally Toy makers must paint all toy guns florescent orange so deputy sheriffs and police can know it is a toy. Because they cant recognize a child or a child's toy undersized as it is.

Cuckold life

He is my husband and and he has been fully trained to understand his place. He has been locked up for so long that he wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't. If he was going to snap he would have by now with all the stuff my bulls and I have made him do, so I'm not even a little worried about that. When we first started he did think he might want to take a break ,but when a cuck is properly trained by a experienced black master, like he was, then they are trained to accept their new lifestyle.
   This is the answer to a question I posed to a wife and her cuck husband. This CUCK husband is in permanent chastity released only to be made to cum in his own mouth then it is washed down by the pee of his wife or her bull(black male sex partner). I am not the least bit opposed to these people living like they choose if this makes them happy then be happy.
   What concerns me is it seems to me that she is saying take a male say me for instance and pare  me off with a experienced BLACK BULL TRAINER of Cuck's and in a time I will be just like this husband "Know my place". This being so is it not kind of like the happiness of the wife and the bull is dependent upon the submissive slavery abuse of the cuck. She says of her husband"when we started he did think he might want to take a break BUT WHEN A CUCK IS PROPERLY TRAINED BY A EXPERIENCED BLACK MASTER,LIKE HE WAS,THEN THEY ARE TRAINED TO ACCEPT THEIR NEW LIFESTYLE".
   This training does not sound like the societies use of the word but a breaking down of his self, self image,confidence,and instilling that he is below the black man and his own wife. This is done to the point that he readily accepts being locked in chastity. Drinking his own cum and their piss. sucking the black man's cock and cleaning his own wife up after she is finish sexing her bull.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

wash it down with pee

There is a website called black to white I think. There is a discussion about a man being in panties or a chastity device. A person on this sight that keeps her white man in chastity all ways except for allowing him release in his mouth then it is washed down by her "BLACK BULL" black lover that is allowed her sexually or her and he is right back in this cage. He cleans up the fluids in her vagina and does the BULL orally.
   This is there lifestyle and will not change from her response this white man (usually husband) is CUCKOLD by her.As such he will by her words never be allowed sex with his wife  only the Bull's (black men). He is submissive and probably ok by this, it is interesting that she cares enough for his penile health to allow him to cum in his own mouth and the wash it down with pee. What about his mental health?
   If he comes sobbing and crying like a small child saying will you please stop? I need a break. I cant do this any more. I want children. She and the  bull laugh sure you do now cucky get back to life do her and me!! Now he has expressed a need to change. Dr Phil says past behavior is a good predictor of future performance. By that statement this cuck will never change and he is just playing a silly game with his wife and the black bull. But what if Dr.Phil is wrong and drug addicts do change durinks do dry up people do quit smoking!!! Is there not a chance that this man could go to Walmart purchase somethings like a baseball bat aluminum wasp &hornet spray or mace or pepper spray then when the bull and wife are having there next meeting not do grave bodily harm to them both????
    Do these people like BDSM practitioners have a after care? Do they talk all three together and apart, another words the BULL and CUCK, CUCKand WIFE then all three to see if all is well? I believe people change and can break or hold depending on what is in them. If this CUCK is happy with this so be it fine but if there is only communication between the two dominate people BULL and WIFE leaving CUCK out and possible abused. Then there is the possibility of a broken hurt man that does not care what happens to him but wants to harm the people humiliating him.


It amazes me that the "Christan" people wish to push there agenda on others even if these other do not wish it. The example is suppose to be this man JESUS, who when one of his disciples cut a roman guards ear off he put ti back an rebuked the disciple saying "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword". This by the way on the night of his scourging and crufiction he put up no fight. Christan's put bumber stickers up WWJD what would Jesus do.
Jesus must have been one hell of a cop judge and executioner too. Jerry Fawell would have had all homosexuals killed, WWJD must be right he was Jesus repesenative on earth. A friend told me of a dying gay man that the weight of the sheet caused him pain he would get his sheets off on the floor. His CHRISTAN family came in and put them back because they said there dying son should not be nude, WWJD guess he would have gotten the heaviest blanket he could find and covered this gay man's nudity. After all these people were CHRISTAN Jesus repesentaves on earth.
I wounder how they square Jesus activities with there activities and the WWJD. I would think they would consider looking at the BOSS Jesus and reading the gospels over and over until I understood Jesus life. Then I would go to the non canonization books in the original BIBLE before the Niceen council of Constantine and see what they say as well.


I was reading about a 13 year old girl raped then had gasoline pored on her and set on fire she dies, this is not in the United States but India. I am guessing that the United States gives foreign aid to India. If we do  this  is this not saying we agree with this behavior after all we are financing it without any strings. This would be like giving your children money to buy things that they claim they need and finding out they are using it to make drugs. You don't stop the money.
What is even worse is we the UNITED STATES are 17 trillion dollars in debt. We should not be giving money that we do not have to begin with away to anyone for any reason. If you are broke you as a human do things different like don't go anywhere until you have money for gasoline. We as a nation are broke and getting more broke. Blame it on whoever we are 17 trillion broke how much of that goes to India who does nothing to stop rapes of 13 year old. Perhaps we should change our laws to allow 13 year old to have sex with whoever they wish. This way we will not be such hypocrites.
Right now we tell the world we care about Human Rights and is not the most basic human right to decide who sticks their body parts in you?? So by changing our laws we will not be sending money to foreign countries that practice 13 year old sex while saying that this is wrong. As I see it it is a  either or  get on the horse or turn him loose.