Tuesday, August 30, 2011

government regulation

08/30/11 Government Regulations

I was talking to a painter and I said how does E.P.A. Affect you guys. He told me that the law now says any building built before 1978 all persons must have a course in Led Based Paint. The course cost 1400 dollars per person and 45 hours to take it. Now this means every man on the job or woman and the fine is significant he said.
This is a example of how government regulation runs up the cost of doing business and makes companies reluctant to hire people. Now whether every building built before 1978 is covered in led based paint or not it would seem to me a simple sample or two maybe 1,000 samples tested at a lab might be cheaper on the painting company,plumbing company,electrical contractor,general contractor,roofing contractor and the list goes on and on and on. So when Wal Mart say abandons a building built before 1978 instead of remodeling it becomes cheaper to build new. All of these things are keeping us in this hole we are in now.

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