Wednesday, August 17, 2011


08/17/11 Busness
My sister in law fell at the Sam's Club in Abilene Texas. She broke a bone had a ambulance ride xrays and whatever else. My mother said that Sams paid for nothing that they could find no lawyer in Abilene Texas that would take their law suit, all they wanted was to be paid for there loss. I know that if a business is so strong that it can and does get away with things than it is injustice. It also gives the Antibusiness groups reason for there ferver.Wal art recently won or stopped the massive classs action suit .A intelegent person must ask is Walmart's Billions buying Lawyers,Judges ,other officials to there advantage? Television is covered with comeercials from Lawyers Firms advertizing to take you suit probono to fight you varous medical cases but you never hear one adverstizing to suie Walmart Target and other large buisness is it because these groups hire the best,most and keep a legal wall that is unbreachable? One other point all of these Lawers adveertizing are there too many too hungry for the avalable business that they creat little rules to there advantages. My public television is covered by Bankruptcy lawyers and other advertising for services.

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