Friday, April 29, 2011

wedding of the century

I found myself awake early this morning so I got up and watched the wedding of the new duke and duchess of Windsor. The news people talking and talking I am old enough to remember being called to the cafeteria of our small school and told that President Kennedy was killed. About the only two things these events share is blabbering news casters and being repeated long after the fact. I wonder is it that the news casters feel themselves so unimportant that they feel that ridding a story any story like a horse till it is sweated and falls from exhaustion is their only hope of 15 seconds of fame. I wonder why they must replay like a football game play the kiss over and over with each one giving commentary on it. Must it not be an approved kiss till Barbra Walters gives her commentary? Are we the people being reported to such morons that we can’t see for ourselves?

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