Tuesday, April 19, 2011

see how god hates me

Oh god you must have hated me before you created me,
You gave me Adult Attention Deficit Disorder you gave me Bipolar
These disorders and then parents as hard headed and as dumb as rocks one with a 6th grade education one that finished high school
With a PhD in everything, when a teacher said I had problems she probably told the teacher to shut up, finally one failed me in the 6th grade.
I went to be baptized and you sent Hershel McDonald an elders son to talk me out of it so my baptism was private see how you hated me.
Five marriages they tell me it is the result of my disorders unable to hold a job did not finish college sees how your hatred blocked me. I have 3 daughters one son one daughter is now known as Gobbs her family all big church of Christ people where in the bible did you say to change the Child's name and keep it from its father the others too kept from me guess I missed that verse. So am I like Esau the one you hated too.

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