Monday, April 18, 2011


We all know of the senseless attack on the Arizona congresswoman by a nut job. Some may have paid attention to the news story of the woman that drove her car with her children into a river there are others like this case too. We hear whenever someone shoots another how evil and deadly guns are “Guns kill people” yep just load it lay it on the table and call the person you want killed into the room the gun aims and fires till he or she is dead. Makes me wonder why we have these murder trials after a shooting. All logic aside perhaps it is time for automobile control, mother control, and start in kindergarten with permanent birth control on the girls. Start in Kindergarten with psychological testing then if found sound and sane undo the birth control at 21. Of course this is the only place you will hear of this because my point is we can’t as much as we want stop people from harming others for stupid reasons like money, jealousy, envy, and dam meanness.

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