Friday, April 29, 2011

wedding of the century

I found myself awake early this morning so I got up and watched the wedding of the new duke and duchess of Windsor. The news people talking and talking I am old enough to remember being called to the cafeteria of our small school and told that President Kennedy was killed. About the only two things these events share is blabbering news casters and being repeated long after the fact. I wonder is it that the news casters feel themselves so unimportant that they feel that ridding a story any story like a horse till it is sweated and falls from exhaustion is their only hope of 15 seconds of fame. I wonder why they must replay like a football game play the kiss over and over with each one giving commentary on it. Must it not be an approved kiss till Barbra Walters gives her commentary? Are we the people being reported to such morons that we can’t see for ourselves?

wedding of the century

I found myself awake early this morning so I got up and watched the wedding of the new duke and duchess of Windsor. The news people talking and talking I am old enough to remember being called to the cafeteria of our small school and told that President Kennedy was killed. About the only two things these events share is blabbering news casters and being repeated long after the fact. I wonder is it that the news casters feel themselves so unimportant that they feel that ridding a story any story like a horse till it is sweated and falls from exhaustion is their only hope of 15 seconds of fame. I wonder why they must replay like a football game play the kiss over and over with each one giving commentary on it. Must it not be an approved kiss till Barbra Walters gives her commentary? Are we the people being reported to such morons that we can’t see for ourselves?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

see how god hates me

Oh god you must have hated me before you created me,
You gave me Adult Attention Deficit Disorder you gave me Bipolar
These disorders and then parents as hard headed and as dumb as rocks one with a 6th grade education one that finished high school
With a PhD in everything, when a teacher said I had problems she probably told the teacher to shut up, finally one failed me in the 6th grade.
I went to be baptized and you sent Hershel McDonald an elders son to talk me out of it so my baptism was private see how you hated me.
Five marriages they tell me it is the result of my disorders unable to hold a job did not finish college sees how your hatred blocked me. I have 3 daughters one son one daughter is now known as Gobbs her family all big church of Christ people where in the bible did you say to change the Child's name and keep it from its father the others too kept from me guess I missed that verse. So am I like Esau the one you hated too.

see how god hated me

Oh god you must have hated me before you created me,
You gave me Adult Attention Deficit Disorder you gave me Bipolar
These disorders and then parents as hard headed and as dumb as rocks one with a 6th grade education one that finished high school
With a PhD in everything, when a teacher said I had problems she probably told the teacher to shut up, finally one failed me in the 6th grade.
I went to be baptized and you sent Hershel McDonald an elders son to talk me out of it so my baptism was private see how you hated me.
Five marriages they tell me it is the result of my disorders unable to hold a job did not finish college sees how your hatred blocked me. I have 3 daughters one son one daughter is now known as Gobbs her family all big church of Christ people where in the bible did you say to change the Child's name and keep it from its father the others too kept from me guess I missed that verse. So am I like Esau the one you hated too.

Monday, April 18, 2011


We all know of the senseless attack on the Arizona congresswoman by a nut job. Some may have paid attention to the news story of the woman that drove her car with her children into a river there are others like this case too. We hear whenever someone shoots another how evil and deadly guns are “Guns kill people” yep just load it lay it on the table and call the person you want killed into the room the gun aims and fires till he or she is dead. Makes me wonder why we have these murder trials after a shooting. All logic aside perhaps it is time for automobile control, mother control, and start in kindergarten with permanent birth control on the girls. Start in Kindergarten with psychological testing then if found sound and sane undo the birth control at 21. Of course this is the only place you will hear of this because my point is we can’t as much as we want stop people from harming others for stupid reasons like money, jealousy, envy, and dam meanness.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

judical failure

Our Judicial system is broken completely. I heard today about a child of say 14 getting text photos of his girlfriend nude sent to him her mother found these photos on her daughter’s phone and filed charges on him. The police seized his phone now he is a sex offender and they told him this will go away when he is 21. There was a young man that told a Judge in Taylor County Texas that he could not pay his fine and to let him set it out in jail. This judge checked both places on the form one was xed out and this man still owes the fine even though he sat it out in court. He does not have a job cannot pay the fine so now is under contempt of court and more money more jail time. The Judges, Lawyers, Cops, Prosecutors and Jailers should be held to the same accountability as doctors they should when a record of mistakes occurs be fired and there license taken. After all these people have the same lasting effect on a human life as a medical mistake.

Monday, April 11, 2011

the movie

Saw a movie yesterday that had so much about humanity in it. The U.S. Navy was experiment to make a hybrid animal to attack people in Vietnam, one of the scientists they had hired was doing his shark research on the side. Well as the movie went through its twist and turns the Navy came back to destroy their creation in so doing they destroyed this scientist work that could have saved millions of lives simply because it was not what they sought. If all that was not sought in science was destroyed we would be far less technological advanced now.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

pigs in our mire

Now watching this morning’s news we are informed of an ocean current that goes north from Japan and circles south down the Washington Oregon California coast then swirls back to Japan. The world would have not been notified of this unless oceanography is your hobby except for all of the Tsunami debris floating to the United States. The news media did not mention the radioactive water that will be brought along in those currents too. So another generation will be radiated even by swimming in the Pacific Ocean. Now not only are the fish not safe but anyone going in the ocean.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I was thinking yesterday about the nuclear explosions since 1940 and there have been 2040 some odd since the beginning of the nuclear age. We have an outbreak of autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Bipolar and other disorders of the brain. We have microwaves from everything we think nothing of these things but are the number of Autistic children being born a warning like the canary in the coal mine. Lord only knows what the disaster in Japan will cause how many cans of sea food will contain radiation, who will insure that fish caught anywhere in any ocean will be free of radiation?

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I told my mother of my engagement to a beautiful lady named Debbie. My mother started out saying I needed a pre nup because of the land I own that if Debbie married me and divorced me she would get half of it. My mother encouraged me all my life with positive stuff so this was so unlike her. She said for instance in Portales New Mexico when I was in the 1st grade to a friend of hers, Marshall my younger brother she said would shell peas for hours, but Lee can’t sit still will not shell peas I do not know what I will do with him. Later when I started college she said “How in the hell are you going to college you barely finished High School” She was always telling me and my family what to do and of course offering money then bitching about the money she spent, this is her bitch about my land she paid for it. I see it as when you cripple your child then you pick up the pieces and pay the cost. I have noticed that if you do bad things to your child like keep information from them like the University of San Diego sent a acceptance letter then it becomes too late the child joins the U.S. Air Force and leaves like they would have to go to college. I worked in a nursing home and there are many Parents in there so the children know they are cared for and the child doesn’t have to revisit the wonder of them, I doubt my mother will have many visits from me from now on.