Sunday, May 31, 2009

second chance

I am now in my mid 50’s when I was less than 40 I was trying to keep a marriage together and stay monogamous after five marriages four children I shit canned that Idea. I believe there is a God and he sent Jesus so I could walk in Heaven with all those I have wronged and those that have wronged me. I must have missed it the wild sexual escapades I have heard tell of, now I am willing and open but too _______________ whatever excuse for me to not being allowed to play . If god did make a mistake it was in giving us youth to make all of our mistakes then not being able to start over with a clean record and the age to do it all again . So you make all the mistakes and then when you say IF I could do it over instantly you are 18,19,20 well you get the idea and with the knowledge to correct the mistakes. Look out Tiger Woods and every other great there is at least one out there that did not get his mind and body in the right performance order to be what he or she could have, they figure it out and say IF. I think that now that I know what I now know I might have keep one of the marriages together. I might have succeeded at the Marines, finished college but then I had disadvantages I was Bipolar and Attention Deficit Disorder and back then no pills or help. My parents were the kind as many were don’t’ hang the family laundry for all to see, they were more concerned about what other people thought and Mother still is at 76. Folks like me with my disadvantages have a higher rate of killing themselves, drug addiction, divorce, are more prone to smoke all of this comes from the studies psychiatry have done has not changed one damm thing about our society and how it deals with people like me. Well now you can come get me for this suggestion: If I was the President Obama I would have all prisoners in all prisons under 40 brought to a central room and my speech would be broadcast to them. I would say I am going to sign amnesty for all of you don’t care what you did you will be free records sealed in a file unless you come to trial again in front of a jury then what ever your sentence was it will be doubled and if on death row you will be shot instantly when brought to trial for murder again. We are going to create a special program for you to learn a trade or go to college or enlist in the military a clean start to correct your mistakes please make us glad and proud I did this. I think if the so called Christians fell in behind this and assisted these people there would be less than a .01% failure rate.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


There are people in America called Nudist. I remember as a child seeing my father looking at a nudist magazine in a saddle makers shop. These magazines showed children and adults naked and cooking out. The children were little now I wonder if a photo were taken of a nude family with children under 18 how many cops would be there to arrest them for child molestation. If I say wanted to turn my land into a nudist camp how many Law enforcement people from my county and the surrounding towns would be hauling me off for some felonies I have never heard of. This land of the free is becoming daily less so. We have people passing laws on laws on laws and from the statics no one is paying attention to the laws. Listen to the news and if you do not draw that the gun control laws do not keep criminals from them nor the laws against drinking booze not stopping drunk driving not to mention drugs, if being smart one must ask is there another way a better way.

Law dogs

Last night in Abilene Texas on the news it revealed how drunk driving arrest were climbing. Interesting that every thing that law enforcement is pushing climbs, there was a short haired cop saying how this affected the community and that they would continue to take a hard line on it , well since this hard line is not working do you reckon that the cops are smart enough to try something else? In my limited experience with the “Law Dog” they are very bullish and forceful they seem to have a one way approach. The movie “Sands of Iwo Jima” John Wayne playing a drill instructor said “ I have tried every approach to you that I know” this gives the idea that even a Jarhead tries other ways if one doesn’t work. If you have ever been stopped by a police officer you found yourself dealing with a piece of work best exampled by “ Justice T Williston” portrayed by Jackie Gleason or maybe the prison guard or warden in “Cool Hand Luke”. For all the laws that they quote they all must have photographic memories and be able to memorize all the law statues ever written but I think it has to do with “Probable Cause” which means they have a legal reason for stopping you so you will not win if it happens to go to court. In Abilene they had a Police man retire and the changed the name of safety city to Melvin Martin center for child learning everyone was lauding this man. I wonder do our public officials purposely break there arms patting each other on the backs. According to Melvin Martin everything went perfect in his career, drunk driving increased, Jenifer Servo was killed and never solved on his watch. Interesting you could invite him to lunch and be the person or person who killed this young reporter and he would not know.

Law dogs

Last night in Abilene Texas on the news it revealed how drunk driving arrest were climbing. Interesting that every thing that law enforcement is pushing climbs, there was a short haired cop saying how this affected the community and that they would continue to take a hard line on it , well since this hard line is not working do you reckon that the cops are smart enough to try something else? In my limited experience with the “Law Dog” they are very bullish and forceful they seem to have a one way approach. The movie “Sands of Iwo Jima” John Wayne playing a drill instructor said “ I have tried every approach to you that I know” this gives the idea that even a Jarhead tries other ways if one doesn’t work. If you have ever been stopped by a police officer you found yourself dealing with a piece of work best exampled by “ Justice T Williston” portrayed by Jackie Gleason or maybe the prison guard or warden in “Cool Hand Luke”. For all the laws that they quote they all must have photographic memories and be able to memorize all the law statues ever written but I think it has to do with “Probable Cause” which means they have a legal reason for stopping you so you will not win if it happens to go to court. In Abilene they had a Police man retire and the changed the name of safety city to Melvin Martin center for child learning everyone was lauding this man. I wonder do our public officials purposely break there arms patting each other on the backs. According to Melvin Martin everything went perfect in his career, drunk driving increased, Jenifer Servo was killed and never solved on his watch. Interesting you could invite him to lunch and be the person or person who killed this young reporter and he would not know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

truth in america

Freedom, Rights, Good, Honesty, Trustworthiness and America words in my 1960’s era schooling both state and Sunday school. I was in the Boy scouts and they talk about telling the truth not lying. If you lie on the witness stand and are caught you are charged with perjury you can lie and void a contract. There is no law that says a police officer must tell the truth, there is no set of rules that they must play by. It has come to my attention that they in fact do lie they will use any means at there disposal to make an arrest. I guess to a simpleton like me this is akin to Jesus saying “Don’t Commit Adultery” then saying by the way I have fucked every married woman in Jerusalem. How can we expect Abu Grab to not occur when we allow the law up holders the police to LIE? A cop can now get you into the car and let you take there close off get ready for sex and even go through with the act then cuff you this Happened in Abilene Texas. We watch cops and have the song “Bad Boy Bad Boy What are you going to do when they come for you” we witness people being abused on this program every Saturday night by police officers. Now the president says “Water Boarding” is touchier, I think being handcuffed till the blood is cut off from your hands by a cop and then being picked up by your wrist so it puts pressure on your shoulders like the V.C. did to John McCain is touchier but alas if it wears a badge a gun and carries cuffs and mace a baton drives a patrol car it is not. If it drives a patrol car in can pull you over for crossing a line once then search your car if it ask and you agree but the lying sob will not tell you can refuse. They can come to your door and say come out here and lets talk then arrest you the lying dog will not tell you that they don’t have permission to enter your house without a warrant but if they can trick you into coming out they can arrest you. In light of the cops performance I personally think it is great that we the people accept our political lying by the president senators and others we should give them a pay raise for every lie they tell since we allow it so much. How can we expect to be an example when the examples are liars? This is a basic thread of the blanket of our society and if it is thrown away as it is now why prosecute anyone for anything because in its most basic all crime is a lie. The child molester tells the child the lie that it is fun, ok, our secret, the bank robber says it is the banks money not a persons money, the guy lying on a résumé is saying everyone does it. The college student or high school student says to the girl I love you it is good for lovers to have sex, or everyone cheats!!!

law in the 21 century

Law in the 21st Century
It is interesting that as I was surfing the net looking for some legal advice from various legal websites, I discover that Texas has banned two of them for practicing Law without a License. This is akin to saying Greys Anatomy which is a book is practicing medicine without a license. Now think about this ignorance is not excuse for breaking the law try and say “I did not know as they slap handcuffs on you” They will reply that is not an excuse. Now if you try to look the law up on the net at least in the Great state of Texas the web site you use is practicing law without a license, what are the cops arresting you and writing tickets doing. Should they not have a license to practice” Law”. Or maybe shut the Law schools and burn the Law books for practicing “Law”. If you think about it the internet is a library of information so is any law library or public library and both contain law books. Perhaps we should ban Lawyers after all they seem to be at the scene of most of the trouble in Texas. I bet the Governor is one and every legislator too, then we have the tin blue line of police and there organizations. Have you wondered how they (drug dealers) get all of these grandparents to haul drugs for them, after all if you travel the highways you will see an old couple and a small child stopped and a cop or cops ransacking the car must be drugs or contraband toys? Our state and country was founded by people how many of those people that have had there lives violently removed from them have been Lawyers at say the Alamo San Jacinto any where else