Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Worshiop of God

Obedience to "The Law" any law with out heart felt change and acceptance is just cosmetic.People fasten their seat belts but do they do it because they believe that it will save there lives or to avoid a $400.00 ticket if caught.If they do it because they believe it will save (postpone the inevitable)lives then they are doing it from the heart. As to the first day worship Go read about Constantine the King of Constantinople and how the Jews ran from his meeting of all religions to get one religion one Bible and he got Catholics,and whatever groups together and said "There will be one translation and only one". He also said " Wee will worship on the venerable day of the sun(soul inviticis)"Sunday". He had all dissenter's killed(Jewish Rabbis,Jews). You worship on Sunday I will honor the Sabbath,i have researched this and came home to the Jewish religion(Messianic Jew I believe in Jesus (the Christ,the messiah). His name is not Jesus Christ Joseph and Mary were not "Christ"their son Jesus was "The Christ"

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