Monday, December 26, 2011

My dysfuctional family

12/26/11 My dysfunctional Family
I do not remember ever liking Christmas I was always the garbage thrown away ignored and forgotten. This Christmas 2011 was the same except I said little and watched. When I arrived my brother was talking to his Uncle about his gambling adventures in Louisiana. His son was sitting beside him my brother never asked him a question or spoke to him. My brother and Uncle which was my mothers brother talked together the whole time. Now my uncle is some kind of a Christian and my brother took the walk to Emus retreat. Other than the banalities of “Hello how are you” I don't think I was spoken to. My brother told of how he said “Eni meany miney Moe catch a nigger by his toe in Louisiana in connection with a gambling story and laughed.
What struck me as so sad was his son when I left was sitting in the big chair besides his father while the dad slept. I know how much William hungers for his father's attention. My mother said very little to me too. I did not notice my brother saying much to his wife either so much selfishness. When William realizes his father will never bestow the attention on him that he desires and his father gets crossways with his 7th or 6th or whatever wife my brother will go back to being alone. I shall set a new years resolution to steer as clear of them as I can. Now my mother when I called to check on her said how proud of me she was (I guess for finding my place in the green family)

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