Monday, December 26, 2011

My dysfuctional family

12/26/11 My dysfunctional Family
I do not remember ever liking Christmas I was always the garbage thrown away ignored and forgotten. This Christmas 2011 was the same except I said little and watched. When I arrived my brother was talking to his Uncle about his gambling adventures in Louisiana. His son was sitting beside him my brother never asked him a question or spoke to him. My brother and Uncle which was my mothers brother talked together the whole time. Now my uncle is some kind of a Christian and my brother took the walk to Emus retreat. Other than the banalities of “Hello how are you” I don't think I was spoken to. My brother told of how he said “Eni meany miney Moe catch a nigger by his toe in Louisiana in connection with a gambling story and laughed.
What struck me as so sad was his son when I left was sitting in the big chair besides his father while the dad slept. I know how much William hungers for his father's attention. My mother said very little to me too. I did not notice my brother saying much to his wife either so much selfishness. When William realizes his father will never bestow the attention on him that he desires and his father gets crossways with his 7th or 6th or whatever wife my brother will go back to being alone. I shall set a new years resolution to steer as clear of them as I can. Now my mother when I called to check on her said how proud of me she was (I guess for finding my place in the green family)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Flag and remove

12/22/11 Flaggers and Removers on Rant and Raves
Our country is the only country that you can say want ever you wish with restriction. Unless you are threatening the President or someone else. You cant talk about having sex with a minor either. Then you post your thoughts on Rants and Raves you find out these people who Flag and Remove your writing because they disagree with you. So even in the land of the free there people in the linage of Hitler,Stalin,Mao SA tong, and the great Dictators of the past in that they will not let any view that they disagree with to stand. Just think if they had their way Obama would not be unelected he could serve for live. Your private holdings would be not yours any more. Why do not these wonderful people meet and like the wall street protest and protest free speech and ideas let us know what they really want.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poop for Brains

12/21/11 Poop for Brains
It dawned on my while thinking of my former religion The Church Of Christ. They say worship on the 1st day of the week Sunday. I am talking to a official Church Of Christ preacher and he says Sunday from sundown Saturday night till sundown Sunday night being Sunday in response to my telling him that I keep the Sabbath from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday the Sabbath.
Now mind you Hashem (god) instituted the Sabbath in Genesis 1st chapter when it says on the 6th day God rested. Now Jesus his son said all through his ministry on earth keep the Sabbath and follow the commandments. When in the New Testament when Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and Peter were trying to figure out what to tell the Gentiles non Jews they said keep the Sabbath and the commandments.
This sudden change to Sunday is like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints changing to water and bread instead of wine or grape juice. There explanation is that none Mormons were going to poison the wine so God told Joseph Smith to use water for the blood of Jesus. How many thousand years was “The Sabbath” kept and then changed suddenly. Does not make sense until you study history there you find Constitine King of Constantinople who said we will worship on the venerable day of the Sun , “Sunday”. So like the Mormons I think the Christians are thinking with Poop not brains.
A very recent example of people with Poop for Brains is the group of 900 that followed a guy named Jim Jones. In the movie about him Powers Booth who portrayed him throws a Bible down and says who is your faith in that or me. Well like those people who will all be in the lake of fire for their folly. Will not the Christians worshiping on “Sunday” instead of Saturday or the 6 day Sabbath. God has killed Thousands of people for disobedience. His son Jesus “The Christ” said wide is the road that leads to destruction and many on that road narrow is the road to heaven and few that find it. Does such statements mean that millions like those followers of Jim Jones will end badly, I believe so.

The Worshiop of God

Obedience to "The Law" any law with out heart felt change and acceptance is just cosmetic.People fasten their seat belts but do they do it because they believe that it will save there lives or to avoid a $400.00 ticket if caught.If they do it because they believe it will save (postpone the inevitable)lives then they are doing it from the heart. As to the first day worship Go read about Constantine the King of Constantinople and how the Jews ran from his meeting of all religions to get one religion one Bible and he got Catholics,and whatever groups together and said "There will be one translation and only one". He also said " Wee will worship on the venerable day of the sun(soul inviticis)"Sunday". He had all dissenter's killed(Jewish Rabbis,Jews). You worship on Sunday I will honor the Sabbath,i have researched this and came home to the Jewish religion(Messianic Jew I believe in Jesus (the Christ,the messiah). His name is not Jesus Christ Joseph and Mary were not "Christ"their son Jesus was "The Christ"


12/21/11 PUPPETS
Puppets we are puppets we be they pull the strings
We hear from the media Obama is down Obama is disapproved.
Then weeks by they go Obama is approved Obama is up,
November come and the Puppets go and push the pin for Obama.
Save the money save the television time tape the opposition mouth
The media polls tell it all Zobiby,Zigby,Zigfree say Obama will win.
Puppets go and vote for Obama because the media say
unemployment is down now His divine Muslim plan is working.
Puppets you see vote for thee even if he be born in Kenya or Indonesia
He you see controls the press, C.I.A. So sure the Governor of Hawaii
say ya he is born here the paper prove in my hand.
Had the paper said the birth was here why did it take the liar so long.
Puppets we are puppets we be the lying Muslim with the screwy minister do we believe,vote for him the answers he holds.
Puppets we are Puppets we be now the states free have Shari law
No guns no faces of women do we see he took them and burk a them.
Puppets we be now no freedom do we have for we voted it away the media say ya ya we duped thee.


12/21/11 PUPPETS
Puppets we are puppets we be they pull the strings
We hear from the media Obama is down Obama is disapproved.
Then weeks by they go Obama is approved Obama is up,
November come and the Puppets go and push the pin for Obama.
Save the money save the television time tape the opposition mouth
The media polls tell it all Zobiby,Zigby,Zigfree say Obama will win.
Puppets go and vote for Obama because the media say
unemployment is down now His divine Muslim plan is working.
Puppets you see vote for thee even if he be born in Kenya or Indonesia
He you see controls the press, C.I.A. So sure the Governor of Hawaii
say ya he is born here the paper prove in my hand.
Had the paper said the birth was here why did it take the liar so long.
Puppets we are puppets we be the lying Muslim with the screwy minister do we believe,vote for him the answers he holds.
Puppets we are Puppets we be now the states free have Shari law
No guns no faces of women do we see he took them and burk a them.
Puppets we be now no freedom do we have for we voted it away the media say ya ya we duped thee.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Holy God in the sky thy real name Hashem and the Christ Elohem
Though I walk in the valley of broke and no money you are with me.
Somehow my cup runes over in-spite of Obama and the Muslims he represents,
My land is stumbling and faltering under the weight of stupidity of Democrats and Republicans.
Your hand is opp on me my shoulder does it softly rest,thy voice whispering these idiots too will pass,
Rain has fallen and the winter grass is green the birds sing reminding me that it is not fools like Obama
But the wisdom and love of thee that keeps this place moving harmony.
Yes I walk in the valley of despair with no money but your rod and staff smite these fools with short time.
Yes I know Keagan and Sodimeyr are longer lasting than the chief of fools Obama
But your voice says to me that these too will pass like the seasons of the year and be just as forgotten.
God,Hashem,Jesus (The Christ) bless America and Jesse Lee.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

my mother (perfect mother

You always say you cant start at the roof and build a house that you must lay a good FOUNDATION and build up.When you yelled at me about my multiplication tables you destroyed a great part of my earning potential FOUNDATION.Great Jobs like Chemist,Doctor,Veterinarian,Weather forecaster,book keeper,Engineer Teacher,so with the earning potential cut way down.Even in the field you choose which was very math intensive and me being non foundational in Mathematics,which hurt in the Postal exam too.So I started my struggle and made less than $7.00 per hour for most of my life,see welders that can measure and fit make the big bucks the welders that can weld good are worthless.Fitting requires the Math foundation that you screamed at me about and jack hammered away.So every penny your have spent can be laid at your door and you tell me you are sorry,yes you are if I will but go away and stop reminding you(that is your sorry for).Now today I am trying to fix my Glasses and can't see to drive or fix the glasses and do not have the money to get new ones. It dossent matter that I was restricted in income but you added two trips across the united states one because you said Abilene had jobs and my wife and I loaded up and came 4,000 dollars each way wiping out savings.But you are the perfect mother,Christan,wife,daughter,socialight,traveler,money adviser,money maker,money saver,and you tell everyone that will listen this daily.I have for 30 plus breathed contamination in my lungs,been around Asbestos(ever heard of Mesothelioma)lung cancer by asbestos.God only knows what else that welders suffer."If you are going to school you will need help and if My(Johan Green"s)money is going to help you will go to welding school". I wanted to go to Aucneering school but my wants were not shit on a $600.00 pair of boots and still aren't.Reminiscent of another of your famous quotes"How the HELL are you going to College you barely graduated High school" "you will make more money off of hunting than you will selling knives" see your FOUNDATION building continues as regards me

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Business Community and Cops

12/15/11 The Business community and Cops
Business are always being stolen from and vandalized . Business puts up the money for Crime Stoppers. Crime stoppers says that if your tip leads to the conviction or indictment you may get up to $1,000.00 reward. This amount is high to try to solicit tips. I personally know a business person in Abilene Texas that gave them what the wanted and when he asked about the Crime Stoppers money they more or less laughed at him the officers that were asking the questions. Now I was involved with a conversation where a man described how he went to jail in Abilene for a ax handle sticking out from under his seat in his company truck because it was a concealed weapon not a tool and the truck was a landscaping truck. The lady behind the counter told how she had a run in with a Good Abilene Police Officer because her children were popping fire works and said offices said (according to her) he would jump on her. She had just had back surgery.
Believe me these things do happen. I myself was a victim of a bad cop and I would not call crime stoppers if I saw the bank being robbed and took photos of the robbers because of that bad deputy sheriff. It would seem to me that the business community who supports crime stoppers would want the law enforcement accountable for such stuff. It seems to me as many bad cop stories as there are that all people would lobby for a non tied to current law enforcement a investigative body whose job it was to hang bad cops and could be reached by call like crime stoppers. They would investigate and prosecute all law enforcement including lawyers,judges,cops,state troopers,rangers and game wardens. By doing this and cleaning up bad law enforcement I know I would be willing to turn in a criminal but with crooks with badges and judges that are no better than death row inmates and lawyers that steal I refuse to help these “LEGAL CRIMINALS”.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


This so called Christ birthday Christmas is a pagan lie. It is winter solos when the sun is at its farthermost from the norther hemisphere and the days become longer by a little as it begins its long journey back to the summer equinox . The Catholic church could not overcome these and the holiday of Eastar so the Christen them. Eastar is original spelled as I have spelled it and is a pagan fertility God.
So those of you who think you are celebrating Jesus Christ(Christ is not his last name he was the "Christ" the lamb of God) are in fact taking his enemy's day as his birthday! How would you like it if your "Loved ones" celebrated your birthday on your most hated persons birthday? So those who celebrate Christmas are doing this will God's (Hashem) great capacity for anger be loving when he and his beloved son return and judge people. Or is Jesus statement that narrow is the way to life and wide is the way to destruction,few will find the way to heaven and many to destruction is Christmas and Eastar one of these things in these statements.There are many books that contain the truth "Tanach" is one of these it should be required reading for anyone wanting to know God or Jesus "The Complete Works of Josephus" like Jesus a Jew who lived in Jesus time and wrote of these things and is a witness to many things in the "Bible" confirming the things in the Bible. For a paltry $24.99 at Books a million the latter book can be had and the former "Tanach" can be ordered off line. How much or little is your soul worth?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Abilene Texas Gestapo

The Abilene Texas flag and remove gestapo is here to keep all non good information off of Crag’s rant and raves. Noe the United States Postal Service is closing Abilene Texas mail sorting center a government originazition telling Abilene it is no 1. KTXS television reported that Abilene Texas ranked dead last in job creation it the whole United states. This means pick a city (anyplace with a post office) like Winters Texas or Goodnight Texas and they beat Abilene Texas in job creation. Pray Dyess Air Force base closes and Abilene may become like the Nazi’s. You see them at rallies around America goose stepping and seig heiling. Exactly like the Abilene Texas Flag and Remove Gestapo goose stepping to flag and remove your post a idiotic annoyance not a world movement. But like the Nazi’s now a anachronistic joke, their ship like the Titanic has sailed and failed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Yes Jesus Loves me so


Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I leas shows me so!
Five marriages gone 4 children that only one speaks
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
Building a hunting box all alone the wood is junk
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
All those decipiles of his that I went to church with
no where to lend help but when they call I come!
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so!
Sweat running down my leg wood splitting back hurting from lifting trying to make my dreams come true
Yes Jesus loves me for the life I live shows me so!
No money in my bank no job can I hold my feelings don’t count
Yes Jesus loves me so for the life I lead shows me so.


12/01/11 GOD,JESUS

How can it not be your fault God ,Jesus you made my brain Bipolar with ADULT ATTENTION DEFICIT DISTORTER with HYPERACTIVITY?

This brain that misplaces things that I look for forever singing How can it not be your fault?

How can you say you love me God,Jesus when you did this to me?

You gave me the mother that shouted at me while teaching my multiplication tables and no telling what “you moron she said”.?

How can it not be your fault God, Jesus for I remember not the line my soul got for toxic parents or diseased mind?

A senior in college I am but a Senior doesn't a job get nor hold it how can it not be your fault?

Children I have one has been told by your disciples that I am dead how can it not be your fault?

The other three only one talks to me very seldom how can it not be your fault?

The psychiatrist say my disease of the mind broke the cord of parent and child how can it not be your fault?

So struggle with money do I and getting things done do I how can it not be your fault?

Your Bible and Tanach I have read prayers I have said still no better is it for me how can it not be your fault?

Begging thee to kill me even send to Hell I will go if it is better for me how can it not be your fault?

The computer I write on the Phone I use they the ones you loved with good brains change the soft wear hard wear no one can keep up hoe can it not be your fault?

The world you drounded and started again my garden and trees you killed with your drouth how can it not be your fault?

Let one of your preachers or teachers or Rabbi's explain this to me how is it not your fault for you created all I have stated?