Sunday, November 27, 2011

public fools

What the people and the dam cops will not understand is we were a country of laws and both badge wearers and non badge wearers were subject to those laws! The Constitution of the United States and of Texas both contain rules for both Law enforcement and non law enforcement. When a citizen shoots someone 71 times it is murder. When a citizen beats a 80 year old grandmother in the mouth till she bleeds it is a crime. when a citizen kicks a pregnant woman in the belly and she looses the child it is a crime. When we allow badge wears to do these things and it is not a crime then we elevate them above the rules and it becomes a fight for survival! Well that fight for survival is here it seems! Remember those badge wearers are citizens too, so are the Lawyers,judges,Congress people and the president also the military. so why in Abilene Texas are these messages flagged? Removed by someone from Craig s List is it hat Abilene Texas is that against real law and order is America so corrupt that the gun now rules the tough rule the lawless rule??

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