Monday, November 21, 2011


police again

To protect an serve, what a load of shit. Six months ago I was riding my motorcycle late at night. I crossed an intersection, I had the blinking yellow and the other vehicle had a blinking red. I slowed down to enter into the intersection. The other car saw me and stopped. I got about three feet into the intersection and the car gunned it. I t-boned the car. The diver left me and the passenger laying bleeding and unconscious in the middle of Buffalo Gap. It wasn't until I was already at the hospital that she came back to the seen in a different car with her friends. Her charges leaving the scene of an accident, no insurance and running a red light. What about failure to render aid? The officer told me that she was just a scared kid (19 yrs old) so they charged her with the lesser crime. I personally don't know of anyone who wouldn't be scared if they caused an accident with a motorcycle. What a crock! I was screwed by Abilene Police Department and I was screwed by this young lady. If they would have charged her with failure to render aid she would have had harsher consequences. Instead I was shafted, injured and left with $40,000 in medical payments (since she had no insurance.) Here's the kicker I have to sue ( someone with no money ) to try to recover my damages. Thank you APD for ensuring that this young lady didn't suffer the most severe consequences for her actions, hats off!

 This is a citizen of Abilene Texas complaint against the Police


OK one of you stated "the enemy until needed" ask local businesses how it works. you can go in many of the small businesses , fast food, convenient stores, and you see local police totally taking advantage of the generosity of a hard working business. most respectable people do not repeatedly sit down and take advantage of an offer of kindness like local law enforcement. yes the business owner might say hey its on us, or hey coffee on us, but does that mean go and eat all your meals there, or sit there through your shift because it was offered? a bunch of free loaders is what they are, and you ask these business owners why allow this? the answer you get is that they wont respond, or respond in a timely manner. isn't it their job to respond? go to IHOP at midnight, and its a traffic jam with all of them fighting to get there to see all the ladies coming in when the bar closes. also, i may be mistaken, but i do believe there was a rule that if they work private security on their own time they could not wear their uniform, so either they still wear it anyway, or they are actually doing security on the clock? i also don't think that that badge is supposed to give you the go ahead to do as you please, speed limits, traffic lights, signs, it all still apply s. the type of person they seek for the police department is the problem, and its long over due for the people to get involved and look at their police department, clean house and start fresh. people, these are not heroes, its not heroic to cruise around the bar scene , or IHOP looking at the women, or sitting in on a hard working business when you are paid to be out there to protect and serve. your heroes are your firemen that go into situations putting you first, or the EMT that pulls you from a wreck, and i have never seen one of them spend their shift taking advantage of a hard working business.
  This is another statement by a Citizen of Abilene about the police.

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