Monday, November 28, 2011

The future of our country

The future if things keep going as they are now will be a violent one. Those supposedly in power are willing to use there minions the police to do grievous things to the people until the people get enough and fight back! Right now at this moment the "Police" have kicked a pregnant lady in her belly and pepper sprayed her causing a miscarriage.They have shot a man 71 times that is two 30 round clips plus 11 rounds unless the whepons were full auto that is 71 pulls of a trigger. These cops Swat Team dressed in black according to the report. Perhaps Police and any law enforcement should have in florescent letters Police on the chest and down all arms and legs front and back from now on so that civilians can recognize them.but the police will say that that makes them exposed targets. In world war 2 they used all the white paint in England painting white strips on all aircraft in the invasion force this made them more visible to the Germans too they did not cry about it why should Cops here cry about being marked. Getting shot at is part of there job do not take a job that you are too afraid of. A campus cop used industrial strength pepper spray which the Geneva Convention will allow the use of only for the defense of a base. The police in any form are not above the law as they are acting now. and the people in power are violating the 1st amendment which makes the Constitution null and void and changes things to anarchy with the police becoming thugs and the strongest survive.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

public fools

What the people and the dam cops will not understand is we were a country of laws and both badge wearers and non badge wearers were subject to those laws! The Constitution of the United States and of Texas both contain rules for both Law enforcement and non law enforcement. When a citizen shoots someone 71 times it is murder. When a citizen beats a 80 year old grandmother in the mouth till she bleeds it is a crime. when a citizen kicks a pregnant woman in the belly and she looses the child it is a crime. When we allow badge wears to do these things and it is not a crime then we elevate them above the rules and it becomes a fight for survival! Well that fight for survival is here it seems! Remember those badge wearers are citizens too, so are the Lawyers,judges,Congress people and the president also the military. so why in Abilene Texas are these messages flagged? Removed by someone from Craig s List is it hat Abilene Texas is that against real law and order is America so corrupt that the gun now rules the tough rule the lawless rule??

the Abileners Heil

ate: 2011-11-27, 5:33PM CST
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here
You Hitlearan Gestapo loving Abilieners must think I write this in one place only and do not make copies. Now true i fully expect swat Texas rangers Jones county sheriff state troopers and maybe a B1B lancer with a small atomic bomb to silence me with 71 223 bullets like the former marine in Arizona and my dead body covered in pepper spray plus tazered till i am thoroughly silenced. here it is again:This is a public forum for all to express there thoughts. This is supposedly the buckle of the Bible belt. "Gods Town" but when you tell the truth it is flagged and removed now since i point out that the police have now become Like Hitlers SS Stalin's K.G.B. and the roman centurions that crucified Jesus. So like all authority since the beginning of authority have become the enemy of the peace loving people!! The headlines prove it, a woman kicked in the stomach by a police man and peppered sprayed till she mis carries, a marine in Arizona shot 71 times by a so called swat team, a campus cop pepper sprays many people on the news for all to witness and in reactionary Abilene Texas this is viewed as bad must be removed material. Probably by people like the chief of police. I am sure that they do not like my quote by sheriff Larry Moore of Jones county " you can't complain he was just doing his job" but this is how all these aforementioned officers are viewed by fellow police,state troopers,Texas Rangers, F.B.I. they are doing there job you who don't move fast enough are worms to be stepped on.

Police Law enforcment

The law enforcement community has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt if you have watched or read off of the internet recent goings on in various towns across America that they are ALL OF THEM are the enemy. They will shot you 71 times as the did a ex marine in Arizona or kick a pregnant woman in the belly and pepper spray her till she miscarries (murder legal because police officer did it). A 80 year old woman bashed in her teeth. All this because of orders and they (the people attacked by police are criminals) nothing has changed since Martin Luther King,Ganda and our own revolution who ever is in authority becomes the abusers of the people this goes back to Rome. Our police,state troopers,rangers, and whatever names they go by have joined the ranks of the dreaded. In the famous words of sheriff Larry Moore of Jones County Texas "you can't complain he was just doing his job" When the people finally have had enough in the words of G Gordon Liddy aim for the head,or knee caps,or elbows,or hands then pepper spray there eyes out. Remember they have no mercy nor empathy you when the order is received are less than poop on a $600 dollar boot.

American stupidity

This very day I read about insider trading by congress men who have passed laws to exempt themselves from the laws all of us must abide by. The same is the Police you can not complain against or cost a bad officer his job unless he shoots your child on television or rapes your child on television. In the words of Sheriff Larry Moore of Jones County Texas "He was just doing his job" The cop or deputy like the congressperson walks!!! If starting this election all incumbent congress persons are not voted out of office for that matter all so called "public servants" Judges,district attorneys,sheriffs,congress persons, and all the way to dog catcher and replaced with new people our country like those in Europe will be in a "DEPRESSION'" and a world upheaval like never saw before. We are like a termite eaten board rotten to the core. We no longer have the luxury of saying not my "public servant" he or she is doing a great job fire the SOB and try a new person. A rabbi said you cant put new wine in old wine skins or the wine skins bust and both or lost this is where the Entire United states of America and especially Texas is we keep voting professional politicians and expecting a different result that is the definition of insanity.

Monday, November 21, 2011


police again

To protect an serve, what a load of shit. Six months ago I was riding my motorcycle late at night. I crossed an intersection, I had the blinking yellow and the other vehicle had a blinking red. I slowed down to enter into the intersection. The other car saw me and stopped. I got about three feet into the intersection and the car gunned it. I t-boned the car. The diver left me and the passenger laying bleeding and unconscious in the middle of Buffalo Gap. It wasn't until I was already at the hospital that she came back to the seen in a different car with her friends. Her charges leaving the scene of an accident, no insurance and running a red light. What about failure to render aid? The officer told me that she was just a scared kid (19 yrs old) so they charged her with the lesser crime. I personally don't know of anyone who wouldn't be scared if they caused an accident with a motorcycle. What a crock! I was screwed by Abilene Police Department and I was screwed by this young lady. If they would have charged her with failure to render aid she would have had harsher consequences. Instead I was shafted, injured and left with $40,000 in medical payments (since she had no insurance.) Here's the kicker I have to sue ( someone with no money ) to try to recover my damages. Thank you APD for ensuring that this young lady didn't suffer the most severe consequences for her actions, hats off!

 This is a citizen of Abilene Texas complaint against the Police


OK one of you stated "the enemy until needed" ask local businesses how it works. you can go in many of the small businesses , fast food, convenient stores, and you see local police totally taking advantage of the generosity of a hard working business. most respectable people do not repeatedly sit down and take advantage of an offer of kindness like local law enforcement. yes the business owner might say hey its on us, or hey coffee on us, but does that mean go and eat all your meals there, or sit there through your shift because it was offered? a bunch of free loaders is what they are, and you ask these business owners why allow this? the answer you get is that they wont respond, or respond in a timely manner. isn't it their job to respond? go to IHOP at midnight, and its a traffic jam with all of them fighting to get there to see all the ladies coming in when the bar closes. also, i may be mistaken, but i do believe there was a rule that if they work private security on their own time they could not wear their uniform, so either they still wear it anyway, or they are actually doing security on the clock? i also don't think that that badge is supposed to give you the go ahead to do as you please, speed limits, traffic lights, signs, it all still apply s. the type of person they seek for the police department is the problem, and its long over due for the people to get involved and look at their police department, clean house and start fresh. people, these are not heroes, its not heroic to cruise around the bar scene , or IHOP looking at the women, or sitting in on a hard working business when you are paid to be out there to protect and serve. your heroes are your firemen that go into situations putting you first, or the EMT that pulls you from a wreck, and i have never seen one of them spend their shift taking advantage of a hard working business.
  This is another statement by a Citizen of Abilene about the police.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


11/20/11 Police
Seems every once and a while a Cop of some sort shows all of us that all police are just thugs with badges and guns. There was one who was filmed spraying pepper spray on college students. I know from my own experience and the words of Sheriff Larry Moore of Jones county Texas that law enforcement feels like this to quote Sheriff Moore “He was just doing his job you can't file a complaint on him. If these demonstrations do nothing else perhaps the true color of all in law enforcement will be revealed to the public. When you are falsely arrested in this country and you wish to file a complaint you find yourself being told over the phone the words of Sheriff Moore Of Jones county Texas had this officer not been filmed and the film not confiscated and destroyed by fellow cops or a judge the Cop here would be “just doing his job”. Through the ages from the Sheriff of Nottingham till now most badge wearers are criminals that have not been prosecuted. They carry tazers and pepper spray billy club and like a pack of hunting dogs go forth crapping on the law and the citizenry and are honored for it. I believe 260 men have been found to be wrongly prosecuted and freed in Texas alone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

god is ticked

God is ticked at Texas and Oklahoma Abilene in particular because the people claim to represent him but there mouths and there deeds are on opposite ends of that spectrum. They claim God and Jesus on Sunday (which by the way is the wrong day for worship God never un holized the Sabbath ) that was done by the king of Constantinople Constantine "He said we would worship on the venerable day of the Sun(sol Inveticis) a pagan god. This is why we have had the drouth, fires, and no winter. We are running out of water to drink or make your Slurpee's out of so we will soon have lots of dead people. Go to the Temple and learn of God before you die of thirst and face the lake.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

ex navy

11/13/11 Ex Navy
There is a ex navy veteran here in town with HIV positive that if he is telling me the truth makes $6,ooo.oo per month in retirement and disability. It seems that when I post to craigslist rants he tell s me to take my meds. It is interesting that if he is telling me the truth he manipulated the system to get where he is. He told me that a young man he was having sex with went nuts and was taken off of his ship in a straight jacket, but he is going to heaven he says. He also says this was the best thing that could have happened to him the young seaman being taken off the ship in a straight Jacket. He also says after this a member of what he calls the Gay mafia told him to get married if he could and to not play where he got his bread. So he went home married his High school sweetheart and began manipulating the system. He is part owner of a computer thing and from all I have saw thinks he is GOD. He has told me of his god thing and No mercy for anyone because of his sufferings, by the way he was infected before retirement and if he is again not lying would not have gotten his retirement if the United states navy knew.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

pagan holidays

Is a pagan holiday more readily known as winter solstice. It is one of many like Easter that has been made Christian by the Catholic Church and Jesus was not even born on Dec 25. So it is like taking the Good Lord's enmity's birthday and celebrating his birth on this day I am sure Jesus will be real happy about that and real willing to let all those people into heaven along with the lying cops,lying lawyers,lying judges.

Friday, November 4, 2011

law enforcment

11/04/11 Law Enforcement

I was in the presence today of a type of person that can not enter Heaven none of them. I was questioned by a detective no law enforcement people will go to heaven. They must by job description LIE on a daily basis. One of Hashems commandments given to Moses was “You shall not lie” When the F.B.I. caught Whitey Bolder they said on national television we used a “Ruse” to get him out of his apartment. If you look up “Ruse” it equals a Lie. Dr. Carl Breceen at Abilene Christian University in his class marriage and family relations said that when a couple divorce and remarry they because the word in the Bible its“co mitts” a continuing verb, they are constantly guilty of adultery there fore they can't go to heaven. So how can any law enforcement personnel even if he is a elder in his church go there. He is continually lying to people.
Lets look at this with some logic. Let's say that we have a profession in the country as highly lauded as law enforcement ,legal as law enforcement,and as advertized as any sheriff office or police department. This profession is professional murders and they kill people for a living. You want someone killed you call this person give them the information on the person you want dead this murder gets your information and goes does his job. The police show up at the professional murders office and ask if he killed so in so he tells them yes and gives them the information on who hired him or her the police arrest the person who hired the professional murder. This person whose job is killing people for other people is as venerated as the F.B.I. Agent. The people of this profession think that they are going to heaven too. How can they they have a legal job that forces them to break one commandment MURDER. The law enforcement officers have a highly venerated job in our society but the requirement of that job requires breaking one commandment LYING!!!