Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the game

07/18/11 Game
It must be a big game with the large players laughing at the small players. For instance the pro second amendment people like the National Rifle Association and say Brady's Handgun control anti gun people,a perfect commercial for gun freedom could be made from the movie “Commando” that would bury Brady. But do they do this no they send out letters both groups do and tell you how the law needs to be changed in Brady's case. In the movie “Commando” the bad guys are attacking and the hero must go get his gun from his storage room by the time he gets back his daughter is kidnapped, television commercial Gun control where is the gun when you need it locked up away from you but not them they brought theirs so do criminals,don't take our guns away.
Not very long ago they captured the new F.B.I most wanted man Whitey Boliger in California the state second in gun control laws he had 60 firearms in his apartment. Once again the N.R.A. Buys a advertizement say the super bowl shows the news caster telling of the guns in his apt then say “Gun control laws keep guns out of honest law abiding citizens hands not Whitey's” slam dunk all congressmen like Charley Wrangle go hide they are defeated.
Instead they keep asking for money to battle the other side and people donate. The head guy at these organizations drive limos and eat stake supported by this endless battle .It is not just gun laws the Human society does it ,all sorts of causes .

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