Monday, June 21, 2010

fathers day

My son came by yesterday for father’s day; he fed me and fattened me. We looked at my blogs and they read totally like a disoriented male that knew nothing about English, or Spanish, or any other earthly language had written them. I have Arthritis and other things wrong with me.
He did pick up on one blog and what I was trying to say. I was trying to say that scientist have studied the correlation between sex crimes and pornography they have determined that the availability of pornography has reduced rape in our society. My blog was saying that if this is so why not let there be a virtual world that the sick pedophiles can go to and get there fix so they will leave live living human children alone. We have this very month a child missing and now presumed dead by something probably a known pedophile. Why will I society not operate on these thugs and put a Gps like we do on animals so they can’t remove it but we can track them 24/7. I kind of feel like the children will be injected with the Gps before the criminal. How many must we lose before we do something intelligent like the virtual world for them we can do much with this virtual world to do away and reduce the risk.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

ministers lying

There is a church in Abilene Texas called St Luke's Orthodox church there Advertisement says "Orthodox" means both right worship and right faith,at Abilene Christan University in Chapel one day a man said Acappella meant the way the first century church saying it. When on this day I looked up in Merriam Webster"Collegiate Dictionary (tenth edition).The definition for Acappella is without musical accompaniment. Orthodox is 1.a.conforming to established doctrine esp. in religion B.conventional2.cap:of relating to,or constituting several conservative religious or political groups:as a:EASTERN ORTHODOX b:of relating to ORTHODOX Judaism-orthodoxy.Neither of these definitions from this widely used dictionary comes close to the definitions that the ministers of Gods word gave.Now are these ministers like the man who committed sewcid when the 509th had its reunion in his home town in Califorinia because he had told everyone he was the pilot of the Enola Gay annd it would be revealed that Colonel Tibbits was infact the pilot.
Shopuld the ministers that use such definitions be at least willing to say which dictionary they are using.Is not one of those ten suggestions(I do not use commandments because they are treated like suggestions,my dictionary from my brain)"DO NOT LIE"? So iss it not a lie when you check something our and it fails to measure up with the widly known definition,would it not cause a war or much trouble if i decided a 1" (INCH OF MY LAND WAS A ACRE)mighty expensive realistate at any price.Is this not why definitions not set up? Does not the King James verson of the Bible and all others not have a dictionary explaning the mesurments in the bible,so if ministers are going to creat their own dictionarys should they not get together and publish the one for Bibicial terms? Makes it hard to attend a Church any church when one of the ten suggestions are not being followed,why not just toss the other 9 out and have a durnken orgy with a collection plate being passed as most churches do not have the lords supper any way every Sunday and on the sunday of the lords supper no drunken orgy.In other words be faithful to whate Jesus said and did.

Friday, June 11, 2010


There were two people married they did, family they start two children boys they be.
One with Bipolar One with Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity poor child he had both,
Marshall the free and clear no disorders maybe Narcissism had the little brother. The dud with Bipolar and Attention Disorder, whispered by god himself perfect in every way a vessel pure and good,
Fill whispered God with love and encouragement much encouragement,J.W. and Johan heard not these whispers.
Negative nattering nabobs of negativity with most sentences related to Lee the dud began with Don’t, Stop, Bad, You can’t do that, That is silly don’t be so silly, These were his positive sentences and words Shouted at him by these parents. Still in the years that followed this Great God that created all whispered in the wind on the breeze and through the trees, Positive be, encourage Lee gold and gifts there are in this soul please don’t destroy crush and hurt my precious creation.
The whispers weren’t heard the negatives mounted into a giant mountain mount Everest of negative. The other laid on couch watched Television made straight A’s. Roped Rode bulls was the apple of Daddies and mothers eye. Best roping horses his father could by best calves and pen built by dud for his practicing to be world champion calf roper to be. Flunked from College two semesters, never got closer than television and the couch to world champion calf roper.
Perhaps it is because we people don’t listen or encourage, negative, nattier about such small stuff, That this Great God sent a new child Autistic so its parents unlike those of the fifties and sixties would hear the whispers: Perfect in every way fill with encouragement praise and lots of love!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Somewhere I read that Iran is planning a new group of executions in celebration of the Iranian Revolution. Now if Iran gets a missile and a nuke somebody somewhere will get hot quick. These people only understand one thing strength power fear. We have shown that under Bush Obma is running like a coward.. It will come back to the united states somebody will die over here because of the Muslims. If we do not tell them and then act on it and completely annihilate any mosck town country that they train in and use for striking. Tell them where ever you are we will kill you man woman child till you choose peace or total annihilation your choice. Bring us these Bad Muslims for trial and then cage them up in a steel room with a Koran and three meals consisting of pork water. Do not make them Marters make there lives till death miserable and show it 24/7 on the Muslim Televisions .

life in the united states.

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. We were talking about how we use to work cattle trading out ranch for ranch, now if you cant hire it done you do it yourself.We use to have Barn buildings,if a neighbor was struck with illness the neighbors came to gather and his work was done (cotton planted) whatever for him so he would not loose out on a crop.Or if that time of year the crop harvested. have authritous and hit the wrong buttons on these computers.Miss one letter in the word and if the damn spell check can get it right is a hit or miss. So i take a lot of ribbing from the people on these blog sites that are perfect for my misspellings,punctuation,and anything they can make me feel stupid with. This friend has a wife that is a 30 year teacher she in fact taught me. He said she was leaving the profession because of the smart mouth children,they get it from there parents I guess the perfect parents.This is the Glue that built this great nation and it is gone. Neighbors coming together to help another would be sued.Children say Fuck you more than anything and dare you to do any thing about it,hell Clint Eastwood made a movie about it.If you piss these little bastards off they come by your house with guns and shoot you up.By the way I hope you perfect people notice the two types of writing size of letters that these old hands hit the wrong button on Laugh You sorry bastards Maybe your child will die in a drive by.

voting in the united states

This the problem with the American people they are unwilling to give up the status qua. This is one of the reasons I will not waste my time or gasoline trying to vote. At the presidential level we vote for our member of the electoral college. Anyone ever met him talked to him saw a reporter interview him? Like a Jury they are not bound by the bullshit that a judge tells them,he is not bound by the majority. He can show up and vote for Mr.Magoo if he chooses, even thought those he represented voted for Olive oil.I found out when you write ever congressperson and senate person in your state about a problem also the national senators and congressmen you become a Giant ping pong ball,no person in authority wishes to address or study or do anything but refer you to someone else up or down the line. The thing will change when NO votes are cast in any election for a period,it will halt the machine as they say.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

united states today

Today in these United States we are in a time of change. This change began with the election of Bark Hussein Obama. I am 55 years old and this is the first traitor in the Whitehouse. This man did not put the wreath on the tomb of the unknown and I am 55 I cant remember when that did not happen in my aware life. The Job of p0resident comes with certain responsibilities and honors as all jobs do, one of these is honoring on memorial day the thumb of the unknown. This man bows to other leaders(treason) does not take his wife to Muslim countries no other president did this WHY!!! He has cleverly engineered the disastrous in the gulf of Mexico to asure we all drive smart cars. The smart car after looking at one will stop the population bomb in America cause there is no room for seat belting a child into it so either the seat belt law goes or we all under the age of 60 are sterilized.So any population growth will be from Mexico or the Muslim countries. China India and whever they can get here from.
This man should be tried for treason if found guilty shot in front of a firing squad or hung. This will not happen because enough people in this country thought he the savior. I will never vote in this country again because of the crooked law in Jones county Texas and the election of this traitor.One other reason when I wrote every congressperson and senator in Texas about the crooked constitutional destroying sheriff and deputy plus the county judge in Jones County Texas I was played like a ping pong ball and no one wants to address this issue . Explain if you will and can what good voting does r if some orginization like the Illuminati dosent controll it all ant they decided this trator best served there pourpouses.