Saturday, February 27, 2010

the god of the united states

The God of the United States=MONEY
I will prove this in these sentences. Name one thing that is considered valuable in our society that is FREE? There is a intersection and it needs a traffic light to be safe from the beginning but we wait till 4 or 5 people are killed why it is not considered cost effective, too much money to invest in a traffic signal that would have saved the 4 or 5 lives, so lives verses money kill em!! There are technologies like the new green box that would save lots of money in the long run but they will not be put into use until it is cost effective. My mother is a Church of Christ person goes to church is on me about my cussing I daily ask God to kill me because I am on disability and it allows nothing. WE have churches, colleges,universities,hospitals,charities, and we send BILLIONS overseas to countries like Hattie, but here in the United states there are people with not enough to eat and sub standard housing, why money. The government set up these programs for the poor and the people that cant care for themselves but the generation that did this my mother’s she was born in 1933 felt that the best hand out was on the end of your arm and “If a man doesn’t work let him not eat” from the bible, so the set up the welfare programs assistance programs so they would be of no help. In so doing they destroyed the very fabric that they claimed to believe in the Christian Family, or any family. Lyndon Banes Johnson the Democrat that declared the war on poverty cared as much for poor as he did for dog shit on his 600 dollar boots, he created a system that if the father were there the mother was cut off all help and more children more money and food stamps. He also did not allow for any savings of substance for these poor families. But he established the Farm Subsidies that allowed a Texas cotton farmer to say “I do not care if it rains the government will pay me 50,000 dollars for my cotton” this from a Life magazine I read in the Hawley High school Library in the 1960’s, see it was ok to help the rich but the poor let them starve. Now we are bankrupt and all are going to pay for these things. Had this generation looked at the United States as the Ship of State they said they would have realized if you leave the man in the crow’s nest to long and he falls asleep do to fatigue or he freezes to death and he does not see the ice berg in time we all end up on the ocean floor. If they want to correct this pass a law that says every person 18 or above may have 10,000 dollars in a savings tax free you will fill the banks up with money to loan business will boom and there will be jobs for all.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Morals, ethics, standards three words that always are used with the intent of expressing the best highest most upstanding, or at least this is the way I have heard them used. I have never heard a person for instants say I have the lowest morals, ethics, and standards. I was seeing a lady the other day a ex undercover cop she said and in explaining why she was not kissing me and having sex with me “casual sex” as she put it these three words were used, “I have morals ,ehthics,and standards that will not allow such behavior. I pointed out that these words were used to keep someone from having fun and enjoying life. See I know an elder in the Church of Christ and a deacon in a Baptist church that would use these words too. The elder has allowed a child to think her father is dead and kept the child from its father because the father is not approved of by the family. The Deacon took the phone away from the children when their father called because his daughter said to because she was using the children as pawns in a game of divorce. There was a deputy in Jones County Texas that arrested a man illegally or against the constitution or the codes of law that the judge told the man to look up, he would use these words morals, ethics, and standards he would say his are the highest then why did the judge drop the charges? Why when his boss was called the next morning and told about the arrest by the man arrested the sheriff said He can’t do that?? How come when we see these people with the morals and ethics and standards that preclude us from certain activities with them if we watch they will display the lowest of these words? Why is it that people like Tiger Woods, other athlete, movie stars, politions talk about the highest of morals ethics and standards till they are caught with some hooker or in an affair or a sham business deal or emblezment? I have no use for Law enforcement, lawyers, judges and politions just because of the things like the aforementioned arrest. Forty eight hours reported of a police man in Bolder Colorado following a 15 year old man till he was honorable discharged from the Navy then he arrested him for a crime he could have not committed he spent 9 years in prison before some good lawyers got him acquitted for his charges. This police officer was not punished in any way or the Judges that wrongly sentenced this man. I will bet you everything you have that this police officer and the prosecuting attorney and judge that convicted him to life in prison and the psychiatrist that built the bogus case against him all talked about the highest Morals,Ethics,and Standards.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


A few days ago a Lady from Mississippi came to stay with me. She had a 13 year old daughter that was totally undisciplined. This child started screaming about her dogs running off she screamed at her mother. If I screamed at my mother or my father or any elder at 132 I got my face slapped hard. While I was showering I heard this daughter and her mother screaming at her, I got out of the tub put my clothing on and confronted this child. I told her she could not stay here that I would not put up with the disrespect, this is my house my place and you will not do this here. Her mother said I got it handled I told her to leave too. The mother is a christen and they are regular church goers. Perhaps the most famous quote of the Bible is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” well our society has done this, we have given our children ever thing we can think of, this child id captivated by her cell phone. We all as a nation witnessed the other day the results of our spoilage this child at bus stop beat another senseless and was kicking her in the head after the person was knocked out. We fought as children but when the person was down or begging to stop we walked away, now it the person was foolish enough to get up and do it again we might have knocked them cold and beyond. This attack was the kind that only a person trying to kill another would do and someone with no respect for life or another human being. This woman’s daughter by the way kept those dogs in the car and they did what dogs do shit and pissed in the car, they had a 10 hour drive in a car so defiled, I pray that they learned a lesson.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

intelegence and impthay

It was pointed to my mind a subject I call intelligence and empathy. My mother for instance ran a business for 30 + years built up a million plus fortune.
She is getting on in years Dad is gone she pushed me and my life is in a shambles. I was sitting in her living g room we were talking I mentioned how I need a barn she said “How can I help you?
I told her she can’t, How can a person that can make a million dollars run a business be so un intelligent, if she listening has to ask “how can I help” in my mind she can’t , is this a unwillingness or a heard heartiness? Preachers in the Church of Christ talk about things like the Shriner clubs being against gods teachings and the Masonic lodges. We know that Jesus by his actions healed the sick and taught to help the poor; God only knows how much money has been raised by the big ministers like Billy Gram, Jimmy Swaggard, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, and the guy with the big Chrystal cathedral in California. Why may I ask did Danny Thomas have to found St.Jude children’s Hospital, Why did the Shriner s have to found the burn hospitals. Are these men of God so stupid that they overlooked the work Jesus taught or is there a verse that says “THOU SHOUT NOT BUILD A HOSPITAL IF YOU ARE A PREACHER??’ Is there a verse that says “THOU SHALT NOT HELP THE POOR BUILD A DECENT HOUSE’, must be because there are no Hospitals built by any preachers ,no ministers of god helping people with anything but a handful of food, some clothing, where have you heard of a minister like Billy Gram paying a medical bill for some poor person. Now look at these Preachers houses and cars suits, and Bibles. I heard a Church of Christ preacher talking from the pulpit about how many Bibles he wore out studying Gods word, then he said “I don’t buy cheap Bibles this one cost 60 dollars. I think they are like my mother, unable and unwilling to grasp the true nature of being a preacher and having a gift for moving people and raising money. So they build Chrystal cathedrals, Bible Colleges, Very large church buildings, and move people to give large sums of money. While all around the is the lady with but Two Tiny Mites being put in the collection dish, wonder why Jesus pointed her out so we would ignore the poor. It says in Luke 16:20 Blessed are the poor fro there’s is the Kingdom of Heaven and in verse 24 it says woe to you who are rich you have received your comfort, does this suggest the Shriner’s and Danny Thomas will be in heaven and these big rich ministers will not I can’t say.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I do not remember the exact year I got my first computer. I think very late 90’s or early 2000, I know the first one was so old that I could not get online. I then got some income tax refund and was able to purchase one that allowed me to get on line. Once on line I discovered the whole smorgasbord of the Al Gore net. There are on the net products that are not carried in the town I live near Abilene Texas, so paying shipping and ordering I can get things that the stores here will not allow. There is on the net billions of scamers, spamers, and sexual meeting places that you will never meet another human being. Seems to me at least that America has found a drug that stops loneness and wanting another real human being. This is called dating sites, bdsm sites, other sexual fetish sites and then there are the Nigerian and Ghana people trying to get you money. Long before the computer I believe there was a movie “How the West Was Won” in this movie Jimmy Stewart plays a mountain man that went into a cave to see the monster in there, he is knocked senseless and his money taken, he gets to the river and is rescued by boat people and finds his future wife. The internet with its social networking sites where one can say “Happy Birthday” become cyber friends show ones most private parts and matters for the world to see, and the perversions of humanity reminds me of that cave promising much delivering nothing. Is this the internet’s fault or the people who use it, clearly it is the people who use it. In today’s world we in these United States of America or at least Abilene Texas we punish the whole for the deeds of the few, there were 600+ driving while drunk cases last year and a population of about 200,000 I am told but to listen to the Abilene Police there were 200,000 thousand driving while drunk and only 600 people who did not drive drunk. I am sure that with the World Wide Web there can’t be a majority of users that are scammers, virus makers, makers and Trojan horse makers, and people hijacking computers but the few punish the many with carpatha and limits on how long you can talk on a site. Thanks to the net curiosity will be killed, truth destroyed, and minds molded by filling things without question the way a programmer put it down to be. In the future no one will question “why do they need that”, I choose to not give that information out, or the word NO because these machines will have trained our minds to do as told, Audulous Huxley was right there will be no humans anymore.