Saturday, July 25, 2009

Law dogs

I was watching 48 hours mystery tonight it was about a murder committed 20 years ago now. It took place in Ft.Collins Co, and a police man named Jim Broderick honed on a 15 year old boy by the name of Tim Mastersons . Tim was guilty because he walked across the field that the body was found in and he did not call authorities. The person who did report it thought it was a mannequin which is what Tim thought The police of Ft.Collins Co double teamed good cop bad cop still he matained his innocence. This officer Broderick followed Tim through the years and finally arrested him in California after he served honorably in the navy. Tim spent 9 years in prison a 8’x10’ cell while Mr. policeman went on playing God. Finally Tim got a lawyer to look at his case and when it was reviewed he was released because so much evidence was suppressed by Mr. Policeman who was exonerated of any wrong doing. LAW DOGS most law enforcement not on television crime investigation shows, untrained unscrupled exactly like Hitler’s Gestapo. The bloody shame of it all is not the injustice to one man but letting a killer go to do it again with no punishment of the Law Dog, which should spend day for day at least the same amount of time locked up in general population. The most shot by firing squad of fellow officers and filmed for news brawn cast nation wide as a lesson to other Law Dogs to remember that they serve not rule. Yes Virginia they are in your town, county, state and in the legal system too.

Monday, July 20, 2009

good old days

I was yesterday reminded of the “Good old Days” July the 19th at 0300 my electricity was knocked out by a thunderstorm. I was without electricity and all the bad things it brings for 13 hours. I am 54 so I remember when central cooling was just taking hold in Texas . I remember the women fanning themselves in church cause it was hot the churches had no central cooling. The schools had no central cooling the stores had no central cooling it was fans swamp coolers and such. The automobiles or as Chevrolet would now be properly called Obamamobills had no air-condition except two windows and 60 miles per hour. We all sweated except in the winter when if we were lucky it got cold but mind you I have witnessed it at 80 on Christmas day in Texas. I listened to the radio which I do anyway on Sunday. I listened to John Gresham’s gun talk . I drank lots of water but with no electricity you have no cooling in your refrigerators so the tea and water got warm quickly. I ate my last ½ gallon of ice cream or what is left of it as it was melting. I remember when we got air-conditioning in the ranch pickup my father would only let us run it on the way home not on the 125 mile trip north to that ranch which we would be ridding horses all day prowling the pastures. We were tougher then by far as we were closer the unvarnished nature so we faced the brunt of the heat and cold without all of the latest inventions in clothing foot wear and refrigerated air conditioning or in heating. My pop up deer blind I take a propane heater to it so I do not have to fight the cold . I have the propylene underwear and sox latest coats and face mask but I hunt comfortable in my stand with my Mr Heater propane heater. We have insect repellents that work off of batteries and guarantee to keep the mosquitoes off of us, we have ice chest we use to call them that are electric and generators that can be packed into the most remote areas to provide the comforts of home away from home. I think if ridding in a north wind with all the cloths I could ride with freezing my keister off , or in the hot sun sweating my body salty and stinky. Yes we are softer less able to keep up with the changing weather but I think we maybe better off cause instead of using our brawn we use our brains. Wool keeps you just so warm and so dry but the modern synthetic fabrics do so much better job, as we have sent roughnecks and oil field hands into more extreme environments’ we have developed better survival gear for all. You know it may be the things of the past like searching for oil may be the trail that leads to the future cause if these people were not drilling in these environments we would not have this clothing for our soldiers and our fireman and others that need extreme environment clothing.7/20/2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Abillene Texas seat of God

I was yesterday at the place where I rent movies. I sat on the counter two porn movies below a wholesome movie called Taking Lives. The man behind the counter said sir would you not put movies on the counter people do not want to see what movies you have. I said I am sorry and picked my three movies the guy there checking out his movies said they did not bother me, it was pointed out by the cashier that they did not want to offend by the titles The Golden Age of Porn and All Armatures 4 hours now mind you this is in Abilene Texas the very seat of God. This town set in west Texas has three colleges in it associated with three different religious movements, and a perfect retiring chief of Police Melvin Martin. Mr. Martin still has no Idea who Killed Jennifer Servo but 30 years he was a cop with a perfect career according to his words. The police man picked to replace him Stan Standridge says he will not have to change anything because Mr. Martin left a wonderful legacy. It is interesting that before I went to purchase my two porn movies and the wholesome Taking Lives, I got my hair cut the conversation turned to the good folks in Abilene Texas fine police department. There was a woman from Texas that was living in New York City New your in the Bronx and there she said were a string of 3 murders in Abilene Texas and she remarked how it was worse in Abilene than the Bronx. This perfect little city was going to have a fireworks display this 4th but the city fire Marshall in his wisdom and fear called it off due to too much wind mind you this is I believe the first one called off and will I believe be the last one cause the sponsor is not going to put his 60,000 dollars out there again so some little fire Marshall can say too much wind. On the radio shows that deal with this little seat of God (Abilene Texas) people were outraged and one caller was a tower worker who had a wind gauge that was stupid cause it did not agree with the fire Marshall it said no wind! In summation we have no whores cause the police will not allow them. We have no 8 liners or game rooms cause the police will not allow them. Now if you want to kill someone drag them to Abilene Texas and the Keystone cops that just this year changed there patrol cars to black and white will stumble over the case for 5 to 20 years. Perfect Abilene Texas Gods little seat,(maybe the seat we speak of is his outhouse)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Resume of death

I once had a cross dressing homosexual friend that was put in jail. He met a man in Jail that was going to prison they were in love was the claim. He had me take photos of him standing and pointing at the mail box where he sent his baby the letters that were mailed to them. On and on and on and on went this want to be woman about her love pinning ,professing, dramatizing ,and all day long it went about “my true life long Love” this continued for a time as all things like this and died as quickly as it began when she found another. I thought this person is a little touched about a ¾ bubble off of plumb. Now in this time a person dies one Michal Jackson and low and behold millions feed by the news media become like my want to be female homosexual friend. The big bunch of people stepping in front of the camera for there 50,000,000 millisecond of fame saying something about this mortal strange dead man that for all practical porpoises’ committed suicide all scrambling to say something about this man.
After all from what we know it was a drug overdose like Heath Ledger, Elvis Presley, and nameless others. Exactly like this off center cross dressing homosexual the mass of people wishing to be a part of this mans “Memorial” “Farewell” and be heard on his life. Perhaps a old friend of mine said it best John Donne said:” Men are to have their turns, to take their time, and then to give way by death to successors; and so it is incivile,inofficiosum, not to be content to die, it opposes the frame and form of government. It comes equally to us all,and makes us equal when it comes.The ashes of an oak in the Chimmney,are no Epitaph of that oak. To tell me how high or how large that it was; It tells me not what flocks it sheltered while it stood, nor what men it hurt when it fell.The dust of great persons’graves is speechless to,it says nothing.
Why are we giving this pop star more louder longer treatment than any President,King, and any other person that ever lived.? Does this not make those of you playing this game as off bubble as the cross dressing homosexual friend of mine???

Monday, July 6, 2009

america the bad and getting worse

Was watching the Television and there was a program that showed the video of a man being drug from his van in Vermont. He was in a diabetic stupor unconscious it said but the police felt threatened. He slipped into unconsciousness and slipped in the wrong lane going north in the southbound lane when they got him stopped he was out they beat his window out . Pulled him through the window without taking the time to unlock the door and take him out that way he was after unconscious all this time. It shows one officer twisting his arm which broke the elbow he was photographed with a bloody head and a very badly bruised arm. The program interviewed the Attorney General of Vermont who said “Hind site is 20/20 you must put yourselves in those officers shoes at the time “ This program Inside Weekend said this Attorney General said his officers did nothing wrong.!!! This piece of video and the pictures plus the remark by a Attorney General should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that Law Enforcement from the lowest cop to the Legal Eagles (lawyers all of them) and this includes senators congressmen all the way to the President are not for right good treatment of people and are no different than the mafia. They bullied people too. Since it is a fact that the President is a Lawyer most of our elected officials are Lawyers or Insurance men which have law training and they represented by Vermont’s Attorney General who made this statement about a passed out motorist and the thugs with badges and guns on them who were videoed by there own cameras brutalizing this man then this lawyer says they did nothing wrong !!!!! I for one call for some changes like mandatory Life sentences for all Lawyers, Cops, elected officials when caught and convicted. Removal of lifetime appointed anything all Judges must run for reelection every 4 years. When brought up on charges immediate removal from office till the dissipation of those charges. We in the states that make up these United States the people have no choice how do u put commercials that show a bully approaching a boy to abuse him and a person watching turns him into puppies. The children go home and see Cops brutalizing a poor passed out motorist cause he has a medical emergency. How do you say don’t fight when he sees this your child will say they do it! Then you say it is ok they have Badges and Guns and Handcuffs, they are sanctioned by Lawyers they get there power from Congress and Senate and the President of the United states Who are mostly Lawyers too. So see little Johnny or little Susie if you have this it is ok to beat the hell out of your fellow man! These children say I want to grow up and be cops, lawyers and elected officials.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blogger: Dashboard

Blogger: Dashboard

life muddled

Once again I was left to ponder the great mysteries of this world . Like why does God let piss poor parents have children, I am a father and will go to hell as soon as GOD chooses for my parenthood. My mother who finished High School and my father who did not finish grade school then this loving God gives me to these two who should have been as baron as the moon. As unable to have children as a mule is to have offspring. I was born with Bipolar and A.D.H.D. so they knew nothing about taking care of me, training me, encouraging me, helping me. There are two children in my family the Golden child my brother and the piece of shit that they are ashamed of me. Now Marshall my golden child brother made good grades in High school and I barely squeaked by but did graduated. When later in life I wished to attend college my loving mother said “How in the hell are you going to college you barely graduated high school” I had similar moments of encouragement from her like this all my life. Marshall failed first semester of college Mother and Dad paid for second one he failed worse if that is possible since he made f in every class but Physical Education he only made an A in that cause he was on the rodeo team at Cisco Jourinor college. Now he got on at the post office and stayed for 20 years. Me like all mentally disabled folks I followed Lao See and flowed with the river from job to job. Five failed marriages four children none of which I did right by cause I was not there, I do not give a damm about all the stupid Judges in America but all the child support in this earth will not replace a father, and some of these mothers that get the children are not too swift as parents either. My parents said when my first marriage went down that a friend of there’s that sat on the bench in Texas said even if she was a hooker doing it in the same room with the baby that mother will get the baby save your money. Baby one gone at 3 weeks and kept by the Church of Christ people that were her family. Where does it in the Bible say take the children and keep them from the father when you disagree, I am sure some Preacher or professor at Abilene Christian University knows the verse and can point it out. Baby two had my loving mothers help she gave the wife the money to fly back to Hillsboro Oregon never saw this one as it was in the mother but again Church of Christ kept the baby from me. Must have been cause I was once divorced before nothing but pure sin. Wife no 3 took Jake and Emily she was raised Baptist though her father a deacon in the church. I ask my daughter Emily about this to confirm it and 24 months after she went home to North Carolina she walked into her fathers room and found him dead. I would like to think Maybe god got as tired as I of hearing those children cry when he took the phone from them to keep them from speaking to me cause I was behind on child support. I wonder if god has that much justice in him?? It would be nice to think that a life muddled like mine can have some good in it.