Wednesday, March 18, 2009

unishment and prison in todays society

There are people that preach "Gun control" Ban them all then no crime.We have laws against laws, then cruel and unusual punishment. I will not spell his name right but Bernie Madolf is the most recent in the limelight for his thievery,wonder how many laws he broke? The law did not stop one penny from disappearing just like if all guns were banned the criminal would have his still. We should maybe have a "The Prison Channel" and show some real punishment for these people. When I was in United States Marines boot camp in 1974 they had correctional custody platoon and these men in this wiled 24 lbs hammers all day breaking up cement walls from the old Quonset huts. Why not today and filmed 24 seven for people to see how Madolf and his ilk are punished. Why not if his wife is found guilty a public house of sex and she is made to serve there and her husband to made to give sexual service to all who come in. Filmed and shown on the "Prison Channel" listing there crimes and victims. Imagine O.J. on his knees giving service on a Glory hole and made to do it for his whole sentence.Why not bring back the chain gangs or cool hand Luke and over see them so they are humane but hard.We are a crumbling people who value money and things over the things that really matter.Every child should have to read and give book report of one page on certain books like "Mans Search for Meaning" "War is a Racket" "The Man Without a Country". We have no sense of Right and Wrong .

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