Thursday, March 19, 2009

Law and my brothers keeper

The last President of these United States would not do or allow certain things to be done while he was on the job.I was Reading a post that was telling someone that the reason for not creating a list of places that had "Glory Holes" in them was the police get these things and go close or raid these establishments. I understand we have way too many laws and way too many people of all ilk that think "God" appointed them the keeper of morality. In a lot of states the age of majority is 17 which means that at that age you can marry or have sex without your partner fearing being thrown in jail. For the sake of argument I turned 54 this February 2009 and if I wanted to be sexually or marry a 18 year old I can without the law interfering. The founders of this country came here for freedom to do things as they saw fit regliously to worship as they saw. A Jewish Rabbi said "the judgment that you judge with will be the judgment you get" this Jewish rabbi also said "remove the beam in your eye before you try to remove the speck in your brothers eye" simple verses but lost in the rattle of time and sermons preached. Now that I have a computer and a inquisitive mind I am made aware of this last president not signing a paper sighed by several other countries decriminalising Homosexuality,I think this id directly related to those sayings of the Jewish Rabbi,.I think translated to old Jones County Texas talk they say:"What ever small thing you are correcting in your brothers eye is not nearly as bad as what is in your eye,the next one goes like this what little thing you are seeing that is wrong in your friends life is not nearly as big or wrong as that in your Life. The Rabbi was trying to say don't concern your self about those around you have more than you can care for in your own pasture.It seems though that we just have to cross the fence and tell somebody else how to live. Someone should ask the Houston police department which is more important stopping up "Glory Holes" or solving murders? Which is what the tax payers are paying for,I don't want my cops pissing there time and my money busting two consenting adults having some kind of sex that is against a 1800's era law,.Remember "Sodomy" is against the law whether with a woman or man this is what these stupid moral watching police work off of or they scream that if allowed to continue the adults will recruit 7 year old.

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