Friday, March 20, 2009

fear in its many forms illlogial

I have a lady friend coming for a visit today.Her friend in Chicago and her son are making her bring her long time girlfriend as well so that I will not harm her,she told me that her friend must come. I want to shout and mentioned this to her how non logical it was to bring a female companion if I was like Ted Bundy or as one man on lit erotica suggested a organ harvester for the black market, would I not just make plans to include the friend in my plans and have two dead bodies twice the organs. Our society is so riddled with fear that normal thought is pushed aside by the one or two events that happen from time to time,murder, abduction ,rape organ harvesting, etc.Would it not be more prudent to get the stats as they are called. Check my web site for photos,I can hear the fear mongers he she will not put a real picture of themselves on line.Get a postal address then google at google earth the address and compare it with the story told by the bad man. You could call the sheriff of the county and township that Mr organ harvester lives in and tell Law Enforcement what is taking place,they will do nothing for 24to 48 hours plenty of time to harvest the organs or whatever the crime,why do u think there is a Americas Most Wanted law enforcement is a waste of money they for the most part do nothing to real criminals. But by making the aware of the situation they have a heads up and probable cause to drive up and check. Most people are what they say they are and are harmless but our fear society lets small percent of bad people make the rules for everyone else,look at the number of licenced drivers and compare that to the number of drunk arrest even if it is 100,000 there will be 4 or 5 hundred thousand listened drivers that don't drive drunk. Compare the statics of any crime group to the population of any area in the United States or any country in the world and it will show a very small percentage of people involved in unsavory activities.Comparethe total Muslims any where to the attacks by Muslim terrorist and it is a upside down peramide

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Law and my brothers keeper

The last President of these United States would not do or allow certain things to be done while he was on the job.I was Reading a post that was telling someone that the reason for not creating a list of places that had "Glory Holes" in them was the police get these things and go close or raid these establishments. I understand we have way too many laws and way too many people of all ilk that think "God" appointed them the keeper of morality. In a lot of states the age of majority is 17 which means that at that age you can marry or have sex without your partner fearing being thrown in jail. For the sake of argument I turned 54 this February 2009 and if I wanted to be sexually or marry a 18 year old I can without the law interfering. The founders of this country came here for freedom to do things as they saw fit regliously to worship as they saw. A Jewish Rabbi said "the judgment that you judge with will be the judgment you get" this Jewish rabbi also said "remove the beam in your eye before you try to remove the speck in your brothers eye" simple verses but lost in the rattle of time and sermons preached. Now that I have a computer and a inquisitive mind I am made aware of this last president not signing a paper sighed by several other countries decriminalising Homosexuality,I think this id directly related to those sayings of the Jewish Rabbi,.I think translated to old Jones County Texas talk they say:"What ever small thing you are correcting in your brothers eye is not nearly as bad as what is in your eye,the next one goes like this what little thing you are seeing that is wrong in your friends life is not nearly as big or wrong as that in your Life. The Rabbi was trying to say don't concern your self about those around you have more than you can care for in your own pasture.It seems though that we just have to cross the fence and tell somebody else how to live. Someone should ask the Houston police department which is more important stopping up "Glory Holes" or solving murders? Which is what the tax payers are paying for,I don't want my cops pissing there time and my money busting two consenting adults having some kind of sex that is against a 1800's era law,.Remember "Sodomy" is against the law whether with a woman or man this is what these stupid moral watching police work off of or they scream that if allowed to continue the adults will recruit 7 year old.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

unishment and prison in todays society

There are people that preach "Gun control" Ban them all then no crime.We have laws against laws, then cruel and unusual punishment. I will not spell his name right but Bernie Madolf is the most recent in the limelight for his thievery,wonder how many laws he broke? The law did not stop one penny from disappearing just like if all guns were banned the criminal would have his still. We should maybe have a "The Prison Channel" and show some real punishment for these people. When I was in United States Marines boot camp in 1974 they had correctional custody platoon and these men in this wiled 24 lbs hammers all day breaking up cement walls from the old Quonset huts. Why not today and filmed 24 seven for people to see how Madolf and his ilk are punished. Why not if his wife is found guilty a public house of sex and she is made to serve there and her husband to made to give sexual service to all who come in. Filmed and shown on the "Prison Channel" listing there crimes and victims. Imagine O.J. on his knees giving service on a Glory hole and made to do it for his whole sentence.Why not bring back the chain gangs or cool hand Luke and over see them so they are humane but hard.We are a crumbling people who value money and things over the things that really matter.Every child should have to read and give book report of one page on certain books like "Mans Search for Meaning" "War is a Racket" "The Man Without a Country". We have no sense of Right and Wrong .

Laws and legalities

Have you ever been pulled over for some thing and the cop rattles off some law you have never heard of?Would it be great if we packed all the law books up in all the states and put them someplace like the moon,then said If we can remember what it is we can have it as a law again.Most of the laws are the direct result of fear anyway and if one looks around the world one can find someplace that ignores most of our laws and lives just fine.Imagine the freedom true freedom, if you decided to go walking with no clothing and no law against it,lawyers would say no must have a law to keep you from being molested or raped.What about the children which is what is hollered most,or what about ugly fat people being naked in public,stupid fear!!! Most people I dare say would not even notice but for a leering look.Imagine if you could walk down the streets of New York city naked with your tactical holster and your 45 in it no law against it,.Ah those again he or she is going to use that Gun to shoot somebody and if they miss kill some innocent bystander not the rapist they are shooting at,FEAR again. Imagine being out on a lonely road doing 150 miles per hour again no speed limit.Those in favor of speed limit's what IF he or she wrecks they will kill more people at 150 than at 65 miles per hour. then some say you will use more fuel at 150 than 65,Fear and stupidity that limits us.Think about building a car the that will run 150 on the roads and get 50 miles per gallon,stupidly cant be done!,think of all the things that could not be done that were done. Human being running a 4 minute mile, Man on the moon, man leaving this earth,a space station,a cure for polio, finding the Titanic, this list goes much further than the nay Sayer's.


We in our society have lived in fear since the beginning of time. Adam and Eve feared God and feared change, when Satin or the snake over road that fear Eve took the fruit of knowledge and gave it to Adam too, what they feared came about they were kicked out of the garden. Fear kept society from sending ships out because they thought that the world was flat.All of our laws rules stem from fear of what will happen.On the radio there is "On the road in Texas" and trooper Steponhy Davis gives her little talk about say limiting the number of teenagers in the car with teen drivers,fear of crash fear of death.If you look at the news any news all fear:global warming, global freezing,"B bomb"(too many babies)we are running out of this and that.Your parents or friends "Don't do what ever what will people thing" peer fear being rejected.
All these fears keep us from doing one thing living life to its fullest,taking chances,experiencing the thrill of heart stopping exhilaration of anything and everything.I am not suggesting we throw out the stops and start having people doing anything they wish without thinking of the consequences and there will always be consequences.But there will be more joy when we stop fearing what we do and think. When we realize that the God that made us and threw us out of Eden knew what we were capable of and his loving guiding hand is in charge he will not let us discover something we should not nor will he allow us to do something that would change this place or the people in it beyond certain limits. We have had many many wars but have not succeeded in wiping mankind out. There have been many books written about the control of man and his body and mind hasn't happened,why would nano computers be the thing that allows a small group of people to control all the rest,cant happen FEAR.There are books written about the wealth of the world being controlled by a very few family's,Explain all the new Billionaire's if 10 families controlled so much why did they let Bill Gates have so much,Fear again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

we as a jewdeac christan society missed it

I was in a conversation with a religous Babtist attending person, He said we are all broken and God says I can take these broken people and win, win what??? He is God he has everything created everything what would he win?? Now Jesus his son it semes said
some things that pute the picture into focus. In all the gospils the story or the "Good Samaritan" and the "Golden Rule and the comission to love your God with your all,to love your neibor as yourself. There in lies the story of the "Good Samaritan which in todays world would translate "Good Crack whore" Jesus picked the lowest person or group on the totum pole for his example, note when he talked about the (party)or feast he said go to the lowest seat at the table so that if a more lauded person comes in than you you will not be asked to go down a seat but by being asked from the lowest to the first seat you will be lauded yourself. All of these stories it semes to me go to the heart of respect for your fellow man and love of him even if he or she is a stincking sick crack whore. Most of the churches are like the people in Jusus day hung up on status how you rate in the heard and as thus the preachers preach on this. Point being they miss the wholepoint of our being alive at all which is to follow Jesus example,love the crack whore,respect the crack whore,listen to the crack whore like you would John Wayne,this is exactly what Jesus did.