Sunday, January 4, 2009

After trying and trying and trying to write on Micrsoft Office Word program correct the spelling errors then copy and paste it here. I am firmly convenced that Bill Gates should be elivated to the F.B.I. number 1 and all like him who have created programs for us normal humans which range from Mensa Genious to just above morons to try to use be then put on the next navy vessel to be uesd for target practice and sunk. Try as I may I cant get this machine with its programs to help me write. I feel like the man in "Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Troumble" who is so blown up in World War One he has no face no legs only the stub of one arm and is still alive. He knows Morris Code and starts tapping with his stub when he says somthing that his caretakers do not want to hear they give him drugs to put him to sleep. He only ask that he be but in a glass box and transported from school to school to talk to the students. However he is kept from doing that. Like the book "War is A Racket" by Brigidare Genral USMC Smedley Butler both of these should be mandatory reading by the 6th grade. We if these books were mandatory reading would not be in Irac now.

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