Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our goverment

Our government whether Democrat or Republican is a good old boy good old girl club of stupidity that will keep on till there is no United States. Every citizen of the United States should secure a copy of Caligula a Penthouse film it portrays the beginning of the end of Rome. We have hired politicians like those in Caligula the people get what they vote for so if they are stupid then they vote stupid people in office and keep them there till they break the law or die.
We have had a melt down of the Banks and Real estate markets.Did the politicians do what would have been best for our country,no they covered there asses. If that big bail out were given to the people who were 18 and above those people would spend that money most of them till it was all gone, thus greesing the wheels of our economic engine. Instead they borrow from China to bail out the few rich fat cats. When the Chinese who are in not so good shape themselves ask for there money back in full what do the people think will happen to America.It will be plundered for its land natural resources even its children and woman as sex slaves, see they don't believe like we do and a woman over there can start servicing men at a very young age.Now u have to remember China has nuclear stuff so when the politicians are told pay up or all die do you honestly think for one minute that if your daughter or wife can be sent to china to serve the people there,that it will not happen with the authority and force of the government of the United States of America, I beg to differ it will happen. Since 1976 the US A's Bicentennial we have been on borrowed time no Democracy Republic or country as free as ours is has survived much past 200 years. If u look at the things that happened under Caligula and compare them to now and I do not mean the sex. I mean the shear stupidity of him and his actions to the point of his death, then look at both party's of our government and the child est ways they act,looks to me like kindergarten children in both houses of congress and it does not matter how brilliant or stupid the president is the whole ship is headed for the rocks.If the ordinary citizen does not now educate themselves quickly by reading history we will not make it to our 300+ birthday.

experement to see If men would respond to opeanly bi male.

I put on a Tagged profile that I was a Bi male looking for men wanting to recieve head,I put that I loved giving head. I was taunted in Grade and Jr Hi school by a little chant that they did it goes"Lee Lee he is our leader he suckes our peters".From all of the B.S. about men sucking men and some of these men saying that they would let another male suck them, I thought I would have men lined up around the state of Texas! Nothing The men of the Abilene Texas area are cowards,this does not mean that they will not brag about taking a baseball bat and driving through Rose Park clubbing Homosexuals like this a mark of honor, in the next breath sugest that they would let a man suck them off after all it was him not me.I can only figure that the churches of Abilene Texas and America have preached this hatred into existance. There is a saying put on most things christan now and it stands for,What Would Jesus Do,it is abreavated WWJD.From my 35 or so hours of Bible at a local university and my looking at Jesus behavior throught his life. I must now ask,Would Jesus beat a queer in the back or the head from a pickup truck? Would Jesus throw a rock at somenoe he dissagreed with? Would Jesus attack a person for any reason?Would Jesus preach hatred? When Jesus said anything about the sin that would recieve no forgiveness in this life and the life to come was it homosexuality,beasteality,necrophility,adultery,muder, no it was Blastpheme of the Holey Spirit! Intresting isn't it that the son of god said less words on Homosexuality that Jerry Fawell and he is suppose to be Fawell boss. One must ask Are the politically active Christans followering there Boss Jesus who was so politically active he was hung on a cross for his political ideas.
After trying and trying and trying to write on Micrsoft Office Word program correct the spelling errors then copy and paste it here. I am firmly convenced that Bill Gates should be elivated to the F.B.I. number 1 and all like him who have created programs for us normal humans which range from Mensa Genious to just above morons to try to use be then put on the next navy vessel to be uesd for target practice and sunk. Try as I may I cant get this machine with its programs to help me write. I feel like the man in "Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Troumble" who is so blown up in World War One he has no face no legs only the stub of one arm and is still alive. He knows Morris Code and starts tapping with his stub when he says somthing that his caretakers do not want to hear they give him drugs to put him to sleep. He only ask that he be but in a glass box and transported from school to school to talk to the students. However he is kept from doing that. Like the book "War is A Racket" by Brigidare Genral USMC Smedley Butler both of these should be mandatory reading by the 6th grade. We if these books were mandatory reading would not be in Irac now.