Friday, April 3, 2020


I still hope and pray for a companion wife lover. I don't care if she fucked every man and woman in the United States. BUT IF SHE WINS MY LOVE I BETTER BE THE LAST MAN SHE LAYS WITH! Or we have a conversation about her sexual needs. I may have fallen in love with a hyper sexual woman or an ADD woman or some other mental disorder OCD, BiPolar a whole list THAT SAYS yes she loves m yes she does not want to loose me. The same list that says I AM A FOOL IF IT THINK SHE IS NOT GOING TO SCREW SOMEONE ELSE! She answers my needs and my wants I know she LOVES ME WANTS ME WILL DIE FOR ME! I will want to talk so WE can set up rules and conditions between us SO I UNDERSTAND AND I KNOW THE SCORE SHE KNOWS MY RULES. Then WE WILL UNTIL MY DEATH OR HER DEATH BY GOD'S HAND become US TOGETHER SHARING CRYING LOOSING GAINING LOVING! This is God's blessing

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