Thursday, May 19, 2016

Law Enforcment

Learned something about LAW Enforcement today. There are no absolutes it is by jurisdiction only. So say this place arrest you for driving with an expired or revoked license the next jurisdiction lets you drive off! There is no hard and fast rules like in school when the teacher caught you looking at another student's paper and gave you a 0 for cheating. Because you were looking off your paper at another paper! Now under our law enforcement system teacher A may give the 0 for cheating or teacher B may not give the 0 it is up to the teacher!!!!
   So Trump wants to support the police a good thing BUT the LAW makes police asses by how it is written and enforced by politicians and Lawyers. So a person is taken to jail for an offense in say Dallas Texas but same offense in say Ft. Worth Texas he is let go. This human is not a cop or lawyer so he does not know in Dallas they have a policy of taking you to jail, but Ft. Worth has an opposite policy !! All this poor citizen arrested in Dallas but let go in Ft. Worth sees is the Law Enforcement Officer, IT IS THE POLICE OFFICERS DOING!
    Well it may be a crooked cop or a cop working for a lax jurisdiction! So if Trump or anyone is going to get Police respect they need to make some hard fast Laws and rules. Then enforce these across the board with very few if any acceptations.

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