Thursday, June 16, 2016

06/16/16 AMUSEMENT
God please answer the prayer of your amusement. I know now you created me so you and Jesus could have something to laugh at. For 61 years you and he have laughed at me. It explains the brain you gave me with ADHD & Bi Polar. It explain lonesomeness the mother the father the brother that despise and hate me. All this so you and Jesus could laugh what an honor it has been. It explains Hershey the elders son who talked me out of baptism and mine was private. It explains the 1st or second grade teacher that shook me violently for making mistakes.

You and Jesus needed a poor soul so stupid and despised that it would amuse you. OK but if there is nothing better for me in my life please answer my prayer and end my life. I am tired of fighting to do the simplest things. To forever be a few dollars short. To never have children or grandchildren I can hold. To never have a horse to ride that brought some pleasure. I never held a job because of the brain you gave me. The mother you gave me forced with her money me into welding school. Had I refused I am sure she would have tossed me out on the street. It explains why people like my grandparents who said “Find your calling” were wrong and my mother knew Welder. Even if I hated everyday of welding that explains the frequent job changes, Firings & layoffs. It explains the bad spelling the lack of computer knowledge and failures. All so you and Jesus could laugh. It has been an honor BUT if nothing else is in store for me please send me to whatever you have planed for me beyond life.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Criminal Universities

I think we as a society in the United States should start removing males penis’s and Gonads for certain crimes. Terrorist for an instance should be made Eunuchs full eunuchs! Gang members when convicted, rapist And those given a life sentence! You say cruel mean unusual punishment. The American Civil Liberties Union will oppose this YES! But crime in the United States cost only time locked up in Criminal University the prison.
This cost the criminal something in there bodies. Women could have there breast removed too and Ovaries as well. Here is why Bill went to prison for an offense that made him a lifetime registered Sex offender! Bill gets out and is free again. Bill does not follow the rules that he must as a sex offender live by so he is back again 2 to 5 for failure to report. Bill just cost you and all Tax payers 8 years of housing food clothing and apparently learned nothing.
If Bill went in and his first term cost him his gonads + 8 years of his life! It cost them something do do wrong, not just us to house feed them and pamper them according to existing laws. Bill on his vacation from the pen gets two ladies pregnant! Now we tax payers get to support 3 people because of Bill! These other two ladies were love or lust but it was consensual.
Bill on his return for not reporting properly looses his penis this time Full Eunuch!(as it stands now Bill looses nothing but time) Bill gets a body full of prison tattoos and his attitude or way of doing things is as rebellious and the first time he went to prison but we pay for 13 years total now, if he gets the maximum. Plus someone is paying for two new humans produce by Bills rebellious reproductive system. These like him may become guest in a state vacation house of higher criminal learning too.
Terrorist should loose both penis and gonads because they committed like the Boston bomber crimes angst human beings and the nation. If they are given life in prison it will make them more manageable without there gonads, same probably with women without ovaries. When it cost them something personnel then a true deterrent to bad behavior exist.

I believe if this is done those leaving Guantanamo Bay by Obama's release if this was the law would be less of a threat by being Eunuchs. So not only would this happen but people want to do Jihad or terrorist acts think again, IF caught and jailed I loose my penis and gonads Or If caught I loose my breast and ovaries. Bill's story is played out everyday in the USA! We allow Gang members to rotate through our Criminal Universities annually with it just costing them TIME ONLY!   

Friday, May 20, 2016

Eastland Texas

I called a Texas Ranger yesterday to try and report on a person who is a registered Sex Offender. I learned that a jail offense in one jurisdiction is not necessary a jail offense in another jurisdiction. What I wanted was to do was report on this person outside of Eastland County Texas. I was told by a retired law Enforcement officer that Eastland is its own universe.
So I figured Texas Ranger would be outside of Eastland, NOT HIS JOB was told. Tried to get in touch with a state trooper could not get in touch with them just again handed off. So there is no number to report a crime to the State of Texas IF you feel a county Law Enforcement is not straight correct. So the people feel like slaves because of this patch work of you are arrested for this here but not there.
In North Carolina there is the State Bureau of Investigation that the people can call and report there localities to for relief. So in Texas who do you call if say you think your county or city or sheriff is not playing by the rules! Who do you call if say someone tells you they were stopped by Law enforcement and there license is revoked but they are allowed to drive off with a warning ticket! This person is a registered sex offender who at the time you called Mr Texas ranger has been filed on by Eastland County for not reporting according to his sex offender rules!
What must he do to get Law enforcement either in Eastland County or Texas to put him out of circulation? It is not Mr Texas Ranger's job. Eastland Texas pulled him over for a traffic violation and let him drive off with a REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE. Then Eastland filed on him for failure to properly report where he lives and did not arrest him!

Needless to say I have an awful opinion of Texas Law enforcement. 1st there should be a state wide office to report such doings. 2nd if you carry a badge it should be your job to look up the name of a criminal on record like sex offender and make sure someone with a badge contacts him or her. 3rd if a place like Eastland which is it's own legal universe exist and it apparently does. There should be constant state level oversight into the workings of all Law enforcement in the county!  

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Law Enforcment

Learned something about LAW Enforcement today. There are no absolutes it is by jurisdiction only. So say this place arrest you for driving with an expired or revoked license the next jurisdiction lets you drive off! There is no hard and fast rules like in school when the teacher caught you looking at another student's paper and gave you a 0 for cheating. Because you were looking off your paper at another paper! Now under our law enforcement system teacher A may give the 0 for cheating or teacher B may not give the 0 it is up to the teacher!!!!
   So Trump wants to support the police a good thing BUT the LAW makes police asses by how it is written and enforced by politicians and Lawyers. So a person is taken to jail for an offense in say Dallas Texas but same offense in say Ft. Worth Texas he is let go. This human is not a cop or lawyer so he does not know in Dallas they have a policy of taking you to jail, but Ft. Worth has an opposite policy !! All this poor citizen arrested in Dallas but let go in Ft. Worth sees is the Law Enforcement Officer, IT IS THE POLICE OFFICERS DOING!
    Well it may be a crooked cop or a cop working for a lax jurisdiction! So if Trump or anyone is going to get Police respect they need to make some hard fast Laws and rules. Then enforce these across the board with very few if any acceptations.