Sunday, March 30, 2014

Open letter to my Texas senators

Why have you not tried to start legal impeachment against Obama? Why no legal  action against Eric  Holder? Both were involved in a operation "Fast and furious" that resulted in a death. In the Bible King David was guilty of murdering Uriah, by his word and orders,why sir is not the President and the attorney general????
  As I see it if you fail in attempting this they why should I vote for you again.There is a song line "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" Do you stand with murder sir?

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Have you ever saw published touted on television the statics on how many crimes police prevented? They have all other kinds of statics. Rape,murders,robberies,and assaults but never one for we stopped this many of these crimes.Cops are the clean up catch them crew.

Monday, March 24, 2014

A open Letter to my Mother

EVER HAVING ANYTHING (perhaps even getting to die homeless under a cold bridge) INSTEAD OF A WARM BED.
GIVEN UP ON EVER HEARING FROM YOU A TRUE "I AM SORRY"(you may be sorry for my anger for what you have done to me. For my not crossing your door again ever) BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE " I AM SORRY FOR ____________________ FILL IN THE PARAGRAPHS. YOU ARE SO NARCISSISTIC THAT YOU ONLY THINK OF TERMS OF "JOHAN". (example I get published in Abilene reporter news and all you can say is "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS EMBARRASS ME ME ME ME (JOHAN). So you are unable to feel anything as far as I am concerned I am like your dog, horse, car a thing that is suppose to reflect YOUR goodness or greatness. THERE FORE I EMBARRASS YOU!
   Your money was always your gun like in a John Wayne movie "Well Pilgrim we will fly you back to Oregon"? DID YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND J.W. GREEN TELL ME TO MIND MY OWN BUSINESS? Proves my point again you mind your business and mine with your Gun(money). Unlike John Wayne who gave the town back after taking out the bad guys YOU were the guy John Wayne would have taken out. Then he would have said you and your spouse work out your trouble
 Perhaps they should have had a special limo for you and you arrive first dressed in a black gown designer $1000.00 one. Then Connie comes up bows and says JOHAN MAY WE BURY LADELL?? Then every child associated with Ladle walks by and kisses your outstretched hand. Would that have been enough about YOU???
    You could have said to me when the paper published me perhaps you should pursue writing. But that would have taken from YOU and your party.
   You join these organizations not to give back BUT TO BE NOTICED. IT WAS YOU THAT COINED THE TERM ITALIAN MAFIA!! Did you ask any other woman what they might want to be called????????????????????? Did you give a poop? “MY (JOHAN GREEN) Italian mafia is always how you spoke to me about them. Do you see a pattern here besides it being a problem with (ME) as you want it to be!!!! My group (JOHAN GREEN) possession just like in the Linda Ronstadt song “Loose your love when you say the word Mine”,,, He is Mine I whoever the I is owns posses him, She is mine again  possession. Possession= control “you can't go to that roping “you cant go to that dance” people are not things to be possessed controlled, and if you do, as you have then you become responsible for what happens.
   A few degrees different rudder and 1500 souls would be alive.A giant ship and humans die because of a mistake, how much more damage is done by a bully parent in a life??????? You will not marry him or her!!! I forbid you to see them!! how many parents said such and lost the child either to a murder or they ran away with the forbidden!!! How many parents of your bullying generation are heartbroken now because a child(human being with it's own wants) was forbidden and went anyway???????
   You are 80 plus and all I ask is that you visit me at my house show that much respect. But I know the sad ending is The next time I will see your face is in a box at Jack North's. Because your heart and soul are not capable of respect for me! But you gave me training to never see your face again and to go to your funeral with no feeling at all. You sent Cindy away Let me tell you BITCH you never never never forget your children for one second! I have had 60 years combined thanks to you and your bullyness of remembering and that is all I can do. I do not blame you for Sarah. Except if I had not left when you ask I might have thrown Floy out!!!
    I think this is what death is all about when you close your eyes in it. You wake up like never before to the total and complete truth. If you are like your friend Jack you see how bad your stupid jokes and pranks hurt your business. What will I see, God I have much to be paying for much to fill me with the rage that fuels the fires of my hell. See I think hell is seeing what you did with no “I don't remember” being allowed or “I did not know” and the excuses and reasons we use here while alive.
    No I think there you are immersed in YOU what YOU did why YOU did, all glaring back at your naked soul searing it like a roast over a fire. There is a Neil Diamond song that is my favorite, It starts out with Jesus Christ, Fanny Brice and a whole list of famous names. Then it ends and each one there looked up with wounder at the same moon sweated beneath the same sun AND WEPT WHEN IT WAS ALL DONE FOR BEING DONE TOO SOON. So I end with one request again respect enough to come sit in my living room and talk.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Save the dog

03/18/14                                    Intelligent People
While looking on my Facebook there was an article from “Right Wing News” about a pit bull/Terrier mix that attacked and mauled a 4 year old human. The jest of the article was that 44,000 signatures to save the pit bull were on face book. So now people love there dog's more than a neighbor’s child. We are not going to Euthanize the dog because it was defending a bone!
    Here is a suggestion why not Euthanize the child! The poor child will have lifetime scars and a serious of operations to repair as best as can be the damage. All of this medical care will cost probably into the millions. The people have spoken so do what they suggest Euthanize the child on the televisions and computer screens in the United States & radio too over and over. Descriptions and video say two weeks all you see is this child's Euthanization.
   Then some footage of Mikey I think is the dog's name happily munching on a bone. But this child that was attacked for trying to take Mikey's bone, will be killed by the most horrible slow killing chemicals we have while being filmed and with sounds. Then after the child is gone footage of a happy dog munching on a bone.
   Because I must be alone in my saying this kill every dog and cat, that are pets before one child is Euthanize d. I own a dog Taz and love him but would if he did this to a child shoot him myself. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! If this wanting and defending this dog is normal thinking now, I say GOD KILL THIS PLACE!!!!!!
  rch 18, 2014
I am not one of these people who thinks Pit Bulls are naturally vicious or should be banned. I have seen very sweet and friendly Pit Bulls. I’ve let my dog play with them. I’ve petted them. I think they can be wonderful animals. However, I would also never own a Pit Bull for the simple reason that dogs are dumb animals, instinctive animals — and owning one that has the capacity to seriously injure you is dangerous. In my experience, Chihuahuas are often much more unsociable, bad tempered, and prone to bite than Pit Bulls are, but they’re such tiny dogs that they often can’t even break the skin. On the other hand, a Pit Bull that bites can do this.

A campaign to save a pit bull that viciously attacked a four-year-old Arizona boy now has almost 45,000 signatures from supporters around the world who don’t want the dog to be put down.
The fate of Mickey, a five-year-old pit bull terrier, was supposed to be decided on March 4, but a restraining order against his euthanasia was extended until a decision can be made about his fate.
Mickey was chained in his own South Phoenix backyard when four-year-old Kevin Vicente reached for a bone lying nearby and was attacked by Mickey. His facial injuries were severe and he faces multiple surgeries and permanent scarring.
…AZ Central reports that Kevin Vicente’s injuries were so bad that hospital workers were traumatized after seeing them. He eats and breaths through tubes
According to My Fox Phoenix, Kevin Vicente was at the home of the dog’s owner with his babysitter.
Supporters of Mickey say the boy shouldn’t have been in the yard with the dog, and that Mickey was behaving instinctively because he believed the child was taking away his food.
On the contrary, a witness, Guadalupe Villa, says the dog attacked the boy not in warning but to inflict damage.
…’Mickey wasn’t just biting to bite, he was shaking his head, trying to hurt,’ Villa told My Fox Phoenix.
Villa said the dog belonged to her boyfriend and that she has known Mickey since he was a puppy. Six months ago, she says, Mickey attacked and killed a puppy that wandered into the yard.
‘Honestly, I just want him to be put down,’ she says.
…While a Facebook page dedicated to Mickey has in excess of 40,000 likes, a Facebook page for the support of Kevin Vicente has barely 500.
A fundraising website to help Kevin’s mother pay for his medical expenses has so far raised just over $6,000.
This animal killed a puppy and severely injured a child; so it’s obviously ready, willing  and able to severely injure and kill other living things in its vicinity. Putting it down is a no-brainer and anyone who’s unclear on that subject is probably not fit to be handling a dog like a Pit Bull.
Also see,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Soulless Society

03/15/14                 Soulless Society
 I am 59 never was good at those test that had you identify the one mistake or odd thing in a group. On my computer one letter changes everything I do miss that one letter often. I have a diagnosis of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder/ Bipolar. I know I am not the only person in the United states with ??? problems/oddity what ever you will call them.
    I know a man that is retired Navy and is so rules must be followed, if they passed one that all retired navy must cut there throats he would as soon as he received the rule. Now they in school give test that has the ability to find those humans that will miss the one letter in a group of words that makes this word not belong. These people that do this will not follow rules correctly. So this being the case let's find Mr. Smith types like in Matrix and have them taken quietly out of the classroom and eliminated from society.
    Have after all there not been enough human carcasses thrown on the alter of the god of RULES! Six Million followed the rules in the 1930-1945. First they allowed the rule to be enforced that they must wear a star on there clothing. Then a tattoo then boarded trains and finally were killed or worked to death because the RULE said so.
   Well the U.S. government has been doing the same things in other ways from 1960 when the war on poverty set up rules, Medicare and Medicaid set up rules this is 54 years. Hitler had much less time but deposited 6 Million on the Alter of the God of “Rules must be followed”. The death count in the United States will never be known.
    Rules can be a good thing, like never look down the barrel of an uncleared firearm. Do not try and pet a grizzly bear, yield the right of way, stop at stop signs, and obey traffic lights. Washing your hands often is a great rule.
 Having a sleep study for Sleep Apnea then being diagnosed with it. A C Pap machine issued a computer card also to see if it is used the specified amount of time. Who set this time? Was he or she GOD, did he or she know every single human's needs for air during the night? Was it a Democrat or a Republican Politician or minion of some politician? If you fail as in those school test then you must be re tested and reissued again the C Pap again. I am guessing that the C Pap will come with the same mask for your face as before so you will feel like you are choking in the night and throw it off. You will not meet the requirement again.
   It makes little difference sleep Apnea kills through “Heart Attack” Stroke. It is not a Mr smith with a gun or a Nazi with a gas chamber so it is good. It is however still killing. The same as the Nazi or Mr Smith. There is one other thing added Medicare, Medicaid pays for the retesting reissuing so not one penny comes out of your Taxpaying pocket. Wounder if this sounds like the Nazis logic we kill you or bleed your money!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


03/15/14              me
Yesterday my country told me to die. I was in 2003 diagnosed by V.A. with SLEEP APNEA. In hospital in 2014 again diagnosed given a better machine by civilian medicine. Va. will not up grade or re do so Die Jesse Lee! The words not just those but same meaning. Their words are you did not meet the time for C pap usage so now you must start over. Call doctor go back to sleep study and be diagnosed again then get another C pap.
  Cancer heart disease and sleep apnea do not disappear without a miracle or a healing. So we the people spend more money because of government regulation. Regulation as stupid as burning a building down after just finished to see if it passes fire codes???????? I guess I will die of heart attack or stroke thinks to the Medicare and the politicians elected in 1960. Just think how many millions have these politicians and there silly rules killed bet makes Adolf Hitler look like a girl scout! They have been killing from 1960 that is 54 years longer than dear Adolf. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gun Confiscation

03/11/14     Well it seems that in my life time I will see gun confiscation by our all loving all wise governments. So here is my look into the post confiscation world. I will ignore the inconvenient facts that where there are already very tight gun control laws the crime rate is higher than where guns are allowed! I will Ignore that crime is higher in London England than in Houston Texas. London England you can't own a gun. In fact even on the news here Diane Sawyer reported and showed film of the British soldier trained in killing, being killed in the streets of London by a Muslim wielding a knife!
    Having set this EXAMPLE OF CIVILIZATION, just think of post confiscation America! You have it I want it I will take it as a law abiding criminal that has laid down my gun with all others, the words of Nancy Pelocie, or Diane Feinsten senator of California. California is one of those places with High Gun Control laws and a HIGH CRIME RATE! Even if I do not have my gun, knives are good cubs pieces of chain say 18”.
    I am Peter the Pedophile your 9 year old daughter and your 11 year old daughter are my pray(prey). You and your husband are Collateral Damage. I have picked your house because it is far far out in the suburbs at the end of your street. Your palatial mansion sits just at the beginning of the forest. I bought at the local hardware store my duct tape. The ball gags at the adult book store. The hand cuffs were purchased at the local police supply store as was the knives. I am a registered sex offender I have done this before!
    Now my allies in this crime are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,and Dianne Feinsten and those kind of people, plus every nickel and dime criminal now playing in town, remember THE GUNS THE GUNS THE GUNS have been removed. I have no fear of your 9 or 11 year old sticking a 410 shotgun in my face now. Thank you for voting those anti gun politicians into office by the way. Now back to business you and your wife are tied to a chair by the duct tape and Handcuffs. You two chose the ball gags over duck tape around your heads for silence.
    You listen to the screams and cry’s of your 9 year old as I give her SEX education that will stay with her, now miss 11 year old is shown too. You tied in the chairs are at my whim do I cut your throats in front of your daughters pledging them to silence and securing my freedom, or do I make the children do it?? Even if I put the knife in the child’s hand and then with my hand over hers cut the jugular the shock will be the same. Then call some other criminals tell them of the televisions, computers, and such.
    The daughters are in the SUV with me. Mother and father are dead. Friends are pilfering the house. Oh by the way think you for giving all the codes to the household safes for my friends. I have what I want. Now thank you Nancy Pelosi and your friends by the time the cops get there it will be a catch who done it investigation. This Investigation will be harder due to foot prints from drug heads maybe even a fire caused by those dope fiends.
   This is totally fictional story coming soon to you by GUN Confiscation!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We must take all guns from home owners. Only the military and the police should possess them. Had this home owner not had a gun then the police would have arrived and arrested the bad guys without anyone being shot.I however wonder if the men that were invading the home would have given sex education to the girls.