Saturday, May 25, 2013

police child molester and the law

03:14:41 PM05/25/13 This is a True story.

This is a true story and I have changed the names to protect me. There is a guy named Steve and he was molested by a man when he was a child in California about 20 years ago. This nice child molester forgot to give Steve his birth date this sounds stupid but hang with me it bears greatly in this true story. This wonderful man when Steve and his family move to Wyoming came to Steve’s graduation in Wyoming his high school graduation. Well Steve’s parents had to return to California and Steve went along. Mr nice child molester was there so Steve said to his mother Dorthy I am going to Reno Nevada and he did. Shortly Steve returned to California and told Dorthy “That son of a bitch followed me to Reno”. Then male in his 20's told his mother Dorthy for the 1st time the whole story of his molestation. He joined the Army to leave and became a grunt cook feeding the troops. This man did not go to the police for as many reasons as there are child molesters and probably the same reasons you see on television shows about it.
Now he is hurt by Dorthy's reaction to his story she did not understand and was almost unbelieving. See most families are not too helpful in these situations. In fact more than not the families see the raped as part of the problem as though a 7,8,5,4,6,10 whatever age it happens is suppose to turn into Super Boy and knock him into the Moon or girl if it is a she. Now Mr Steve goes east if he went father he would have to be on a boat. Mr handy dandy child molester calls him in Charlotte North Carolina 20 years later. Steve has been in a institution for a mental break because of this too. But Mr Friendly child molester calls him at his house(he feels raped all over again) . Somebody tells him that there is suppose to be no STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on child molestation and to go to the police.
Mr Steve does and the fine police say we CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HIS BIRTHDATE!
I will not belabor you with the fact that all police should be exterminated as they are the lowest lifeforms on planet earth. Can you image you are 5 years old and Mr child molester is sticking his d***k in you and you are suppose to ask “Oh by the way may I have your birth day for further reference”..
If our lawyers and politicians have put these kind of laws in place so that the police are so hog tied we do not need cops,don’t need politicians, and damn sure don’t need judges and lawyers. The people just mentioned should be rounded up like cattle and herded into general population of the prisons that they have filled.

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