Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Doing to Others


I was thinking of the “Golden Rule” as practiced by the people most of the people in my life it will be enough to convict most people to hell. The people in my life have treated me the way that they “THOUGHT” I should be treated . Fuck what I wanted, needed, was feeling,and might have brought a smile. Screw those things they had taught me as being rules of life. My dearest mother paid my second wife's air fare back to Oregon because she “THOUGHT” costing me my wife and the daughter she was carrying also the grandchildren. By my mother's admonishment that if I would tend to my own business I would be better off then why did she not do as preached to me. My mother use to say you catch more fly’s with honey than vinegar,perhaps I should have been a fly instead of her son. Send this mean hateful Church of Christ bitch to Hell she has begged for it like a cock hungry slut.
My first mother in law Floy came and got my wife and new born daughter took them away. She is a lady that broke up her own blood daughters two of her three marriages and caused two children to be wards of the state of Utah. She was on the Amen isle of Love Lane Church Of Christ in Montana. She too should burn in Hell!
My third wife which had a Cedar Grove Baptist Church in North Carolina background pointed a loaded 357 magnum pistol at me and in front of our children said she “Should blow your worthless ass away”. I only have contact with one son from my baby producing marriages. All Christian woman of one color or another none which practiced the golden rule as written.
It is interesting to me that when “God lovers” come into the picture they throw the Bible in the fire with the witches, which may not be real to begin with. All of the women described here have one thing in common they were doing what they “THOUGHT” the golden rule said. It is interesting that (Jesus) said also remove the Beam from your own eye so you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye. If my second wife was in fear of her life then the origination which is worthless by the way police should have been called. Have you ever saw a statics on how many crimes police prevented???? The Law enforcement are the worst example of good on this planet you have a better chance of being treated fair if you were a Jew in the hands of the SS than having a good honest police officer that can set personal issues aside and give a unbiased investigation. Cops lie!!!!

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