09/17/12 Computer operating systems

I was wanting to re arrange my photos on windows 7. My definition of rearranging is moving photos that I find I don’t want in one place (file) to another place(file), is there a rearrange or recognize button or file you can access to do this not that I can find. If I try with some photos it says they are part of a parent folder and cant be moved. I had a grand mother that when I visited her on Monday we rearranged the furniture in the room when I visited again on Wednesday we move the same stuff in the same room again. I suspect that the computer operating system programers being of their very high inelegance put everything where they want it on the first try. They probably did not have women in there lives that move things around so they are unaware of the need for a re do button. A simple f1-12 that allows once hit for you to see thumb nails and move them to folders regardless of where the photo is now or it's parent folder. Here we are and windows 8 is about to appear and the simple things have not been brought to use. WHY!!!