Monday, September 19, 2011

Judges Law Enforcment

09/19/11 Judaical system police,prosecutor,attorneys

We have in the recent month witnesses all of us that pay attention to the news thee adults admit to murdering 3 children so they could be set free from prison in Arkansas. This in it self says any where that there are police,judges,attorneys,you will be shafted by these crooked bastards. When you see a policeman,state trooper,ranger, judge ,attorney you are seeing a totally non honest amoral person. When Whitey Boljer was captured the F.B.I. Said that they used a “Ruse” to get him out of his apartment a 85 year old man that his neighbors said exhibited sighs of dementia. Ruse is a word for “Lie” just as disinformation is a word for “Lie”. What is more against the idea of law and order than a lying law enforcement officer this is the first missing bricks that bring down the building of Upstanding,good,right and all words associated with Law Enforcement. If these people are professional liars,”rushers” “Disinformation” then they are to be despised and not trusted. I know from my own hard learned experience if you believe “Joe Cop” you will find your body behind bars without legal cause. These adults that spent much time in Arkansas Prison system for a murder that even the parents think they are innocent were forced into admission of guilt in order to get there freedom. There is a prosecutorial person and cops investigators that have turned a blinde eye to the real purportator and should themselves be locked away when the real killer strikes again.

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