Monday, May 16, 2011

The united states must wake up from its ignorance.

5/16/2011 The United States must wake up from its ignorance!!!
We continue to see our country as blocks, so we can say this block is only allowed this, this other block is only allowed that, by doing so we can curtail rights and privileges of all blocks. We don’t call them blocks but names like private sector public sector and the word games begin but the good of all is overlooked. Take this ongoing Mississippi River flood, before that Katrina, every disaster is oversaw by a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. That means that the people in Brewster county Texas where there is not flooding will be by some means be picking up the tab for the good folks in Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, and wherever these waters flooded. So from the tip of Florida to the frozen Tundra of Alaska from Main to southern California we as a national Block pay to rebuild and clean up these things. The problem is that because we see in Blocks we do not rebuild in such a way that we are finished with it. We know that we need to build houses in the Mississippi flood plain 50’ off the ground then make that the standard and have all blocks that are going to contribute through F.E.M.IA. , U.S.D.A., E.P.A., and what other whole block (Federal Government) all new houses are 50’ and tornado proof. We have the ability to do this and stop this continual rebuilding. The Insurance companies should lead in this and push for it, as it will reduce their cost. The last time the Mississippi did this was 83 years ago if my math is right.
Because we see in Blocks if say the oil block wanted to build from ground up a brand new refinery with state of the art technology the environmental block will get a lawyer or lawyers and suit to stop the building of the refinery. This new refinery would be good for the whole block (United States) but because of a well funded group like the Serra club we are all held prisoner to their wants. I do not believe our founding fathers wanted this or could foresee it. Our best hope of getting out of our energy situation is to have the most modern refineries but the Environmentalist not unlike the Taliban wants nothing good for The United States. I suppose this “Block” thinking is taught in school the human body is broken down into its various systems blood system, lymph system, nervous system, and so forth I assure you take one of those blocks away and the whole body will be in bad shape.

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