Thursday, May 26, 2011

Inspirition for mayhem

Was watching a television show it was criminal minds. The theme of the show was two young lovers very sick souls who go about killing and making love, it seemed romanticized to me . I wonder if shows like this are the inspiration to people like Jared Loughner. There is of course no way of knowing and movie makers will never stop putting out such stuff. With reality television and shows like this and the CSIseries there is nothing good to watch. Why one must ask cant the television stations show some of the billions of footage of good stuff,like National geographic, historic shows and maybe go back to the old shoot em up westerns. If a program like Criminal Minds or Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior becomes the fuse to some sick mind are the producers actors and such as culpable as the driver of the car that the robbers of a bank use .The actors and directors and others working on the show are wanting only to make a living and pay their bills, but there are some bad mean sick people out there. These sick souls will use this material for their inspiration.

Inspritation for mayhem

Was watching a television show it was criminal minds. The theme of the show was two young lovers very sick souls who go about killing and making love, it seemed romanticized to me . I wonder if shows like this are the inspiration to people like Jared Loughner. There is of course no way of knowing and movie makers will never stop putting out such stuff. With reality television and shows like this and the CSIseries there is nothing good to watch. Why one must ask can't the television stations show some of the billions of footage of good stuff,like National geographic, historic shows and maybe go back to the old shoot em up westerns. If a program like Criminal Minds or Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior becomes the fuse to some sick mind are the producers actors and such as culpable as the driver of the car that the robbers of a bank use .The actors and directors and others working on the show are wanting only to make a living and pay their bills, but there are some bad mean sick people out there. These sick souls will use this material for their inspiration.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

our president

I saw the most appalling thing I thought I would never witness. Our President was talking to the Queen of England and the song “God Save The Queen” their national anthem. Did our well polished president stop speaking,no in fact he toasted her after he finished speaking and the song was still playing. The Queen was looking at him as if he had just pulled his cock out for her to view. This man and his ghetto dressing wife represent every person in America by virtue of the majority electing them.
Now he tells the Jews by way of Benjamin Netaynyahu that they should go back to their 1967 borders
I guess he is Muslim or forgot that Jesus was and is a Jew. We in America have floods toronados fires and we think and blame global warming. Could it have the tiniest bit to do with our president's view of the Jewish nation and God's love of the Jewish people.

our president

I saw the most appalling thing I thought I would never witness. Our President was talking to the Queen of England and the song “God Save The Queen” their national anthem. Did our well polished president stop speaking,no in fact he toasted her after he finished speaking and the song was still playing. The Queen was looking at him as if he had just pulled his cock out for her to view. This man and his ghetto dressing wife represent every person in America by virtue of the majority electing them.
Now he tells the Jews by way of Benjamin Netanyahu that they should go back to their 1967 borders
I guess he is Muslim or forgot that Jesus was and is a Jew. We in America have floods toronados fires and we think and blame global warming. Could it have the tiniest bit to do with our president's view of the Jewish nation and God's love of the Jewish people.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The united states must wake up from its ignorance.

5/16/2011 The United States must wake up from its ignorance!!!
We continue to see our country as blocks, so we can say this block is only allowed this, this other block is only allowed that, by doing so we can curtail rights and privileges of all blocks. We don’t call them blocks but names like private sector public sector and the word games begin but the good of all is overlooked. Take this ongoing Mississippi River flood, before that Katrina, every disaster is oversaw by a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. That means that the people in Brewster county Texas where there is not flooding will be by some means be picking up the tab for the good folks in Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, and wherever these waters flooded. So from the tip of Florida to the frozen Tundra of Alaska from Main to southern California we as a national Block pay to rebuild and clean up these things. The problem is that because we see in Blocks we do not rebuild in such a way that we are finished with it. We know that we need to build houses in the Mississippi flood plain 50’ off the ground then make that the standard and have all blocks that are going to contribute through F.E.M.IA. , U.S.D.A., E.P.A., and what other whole block (Federal Government) all new houses are 50’ and tornado proof. We have the ability to do this and stop this continual rebuilding. The Insurance companies should lead in this and push for it, as it will reduce their cost. The last time the Mississippi did this was 83 years ago if my math is right.
Because we see in Blocks if say the oil block wanted to build from ground up a brand new refinery with state of the art technology the environmental block will get a lawyer or lawyers and suit to stop the building of the refinery. This new refinery would be good for the whole block (United States) but because of a well funded group like the Serra club we are all held prisoner to their wants. I do not believe our founding fathers wanted this or could foresee it. Our best hope of getting out of our energy situation is to have the most modern refineries but the Environmentalist not unlike the Taliban wants nothing good for The United States. I suppose this “Block” thinking is taught in school the human body is broken down into its various systems blood system, lymph system, nervous system, and so forth I assure you take one of those blocks away and the whole body will be in bad shape.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Martyrs become more deadly and important than tried and convicted murders. Small movements like Al Qaida can have vast consequences. As I write this there are rallies going on in India and other countries acknowledging the effects of Osama Bin Laden as a man that has furthered the Muslim movement. Whether the United States or all of the people that has lost people in the war on terrorism or ever will. Two bullets and orders given that we may never know have elevated this maniac to the level of MARTYR. Throughout history of mankind the man or woman killed and became a martyr was the fuse to the dynamite that put their cause on the road to success. If there is a movement to put Shiras Law as the law in the United States and have the Muslims become the majority in this country then those two shots fired and the orders by Obama may be the beginning of this happening. Remember a martyr can’t be killed any more or stopped. I think no martyr ever was that was tried in world court like this man could have been.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

U.S. Sence

The United States use to have some values or it said so. I spoke to a Vietnam veteran and his take was no mercy the navy seal that killed Americas most wanted did right, after they showed no mercy in what they did. There is a movie called “Caligula” it is about a roman emperor that was just before Nero. This movie is pornography most say and will not look at it, so its importance is in giving the real reason for Rome’s falling. Rome did not fall because of the orgies, men having sex with little boys it fell because it lost the values of people like Marcus Aralias that built it up and made a great empire. In the words of Nerve “seven colleagues of mine in the senate were executed by the emperor just last week all good men” Tiberius the emperor was killing rivals. Rome had lost its sense of right that made it. In World War 2 we created The Hague and world courts for such as Osama Bien Laden there we tried and sentenced the murders of that era. Now our president orders them shot on sight what will become of this country if there is a GOD!!!! I believe that there is that GOD.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

fight for survival

I hate to sound like a wet bucket of pee on the fire of Americas killing its number one enemy all good and well. But now we hear he was unarmed offered no resistance and was shot twice. We captured Saddam Hussein instead of shooting him. I am not even happy with the performance of the Texas Ranger Hammer on killing Bonny and Clyde. America I thought had some sense of justice fairness. Remember a Lt. Calley in Vietnam and his 500 victims of Mali massacre. So if you kill one unarmed most wanted you are a hero if you kill 500 unarmed you are court marshaled, you gun down two criminals in ambuscade in Louisiana and you are a hero. All of these people represent the government law and in the words of the movie Billy Jack “When policeman break the law there isn’t any law just a fight for survival” if the United States continues like this there may in fact become just a fight for survival. There have been as of March 2011 42 men exonerated of their crimes in Texas, 20 men in Dallas County alone and their total time served is 250 years. Think the next time you see a police officer,judge,prosecutor,crime scene investigator are they there to find the guilty or like the Navy Seal kill there man.