Friday, January 21, 2011

master chief

I have a person that I know who retired with 30 years from the United States Navy as an E9 he says he is color blind Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and Gay. He says he has no sympathy for anyone that there are no excuses and except for peoples with severe retardation (Me) or anyone like me with disorders of my own are totally responsible for our decisions. He has children sons one of which is Psycophernic and he says he has taught this son to overcome the voices in his head, he also said I should not own have a firearm but it is ok for his son because of his training,this son is un medicated because as told by me he does not need it. This Ex Navy E9 is always talking about how he was god in the Navy. He at least to me engages in tirades about how Republicans and business people cheat the government, there employees, their customers and most people are idiots. This man makes 60,000 a year in Disability.He proudly proclaims how he manipulated the system to his betterment. He of course was H.I.V. pos before retirement but since he kept it from the navy he got his honorable discharge and all to this money.
Now me I am as one Air force retired load master told me a survivor I barely get by. But according to Mr. Master Chief my entire fault. I think the way he sees it if you are not a master manipulator that works things to your good then you should be where you are. Now mind you because in 1993 when he retired from the Navy he knew that he had H.I.V. apparently the navy did not catch this and now he draws retirement Social Security Disability Income and god knows what but if his lips do not lie it is totaling 60,000 dollars a year. He will say I am envious and bitching I frankly do not care how much someone makes I got the bad brakes and did not achieve all I should. Is this a crime sin or just the luck of the draw I think the luck of the draw with a heavy influence of God’s hand. I do not know why nor what the lesson is but some day will I.

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