Monday, November 29, 2010

jesse lee green (poetwriter54) on Twitter

jesse lee green (poetwriter54) on Twitter


I have been on this planet for 55 years. I do not remember having much help. I have been a failure in most things I tried. My parents were more interested in pointing out how I was wrong and with little encourment, I guess I died on the way somewhere. I was married to a woman who refused to help me with house repairs and remolding I ask my son to hand me my power saw and it turned on if god had not been watching over him he could be without fingers.
I live alone now so I must figure out how to do what I need to do myself by myself. I think god must hate me for why would he give me two brain disorders and two parents that were not encouraging at all. I heard about a father that put a dollar on the pitching mound to teach his son to follow through he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. There is a story of a father that put up a swinging tire in his yard for his son to throw the foot ball into and then swung the tire for his son. The son became a great quarterback. When as a young man I bought a 30/06 my father said he would take me elk hunting in Colorado he has been dead 5 years never an elk hunt. Why so many fathers are excuse makers and not man makers if they spent 1/99th of the time making excuses for why they can’t or will not help their son with what he wants to do with his life GOD only knows how high above all nations America would be. Some fathers like mine want to relive their lives and correct the mistakes, or say children are to be seen and not heard. This not heard includes what the child whishes to do. Look at Tiger Woods and the accomplishments he has made and what his father did to help.


I have been on this planet for 55 years. I do not remember having much help. I have been a failure in most things I tried. My parents were more interested in pointing out how I was wrong and with little encourment, I guess I died on the way somewhere. I was married to a woman who refused to help me with house repairs and remolding I ask my son to hand me my power saw and it turned on if god had not been watching over him he could be without fingers.
I live alone now so I must figure out how to do what I need to do myself by myself. I think god must hate me for why would he give me two brain disorders and two parents that were not encouraging at all. I heard about a father that put a dollar on the pitching mound to teach his son to follow through he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. There is a story of a father that put up a swinging tire in his yard for his son to throw the foot ball into and then swung the tire for his son. The son became a great quarterback. When as a young man I bought a 30/06 my father said he would take me elk hunting in Colorado he has been dead 5 years never an elk hunt. Why so many fathers are excuse makers and not man makers if they spent 1/99th of the time making excuses for why they can’t or will not help their son with what he wants to do with his life GOD only knows how high above all nations America would be. Some fathers like mine want to relive their lives and correct the mistakes, or say children are to be seen and not heard. This not heard includes what the child whishes to do. Look at Tiger Woods and the accomplishments he has made and what his father did to help.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

clerk the jerk

My blogs are raw and unsencered like my life is. I was blessed or cursed by God with bi polar and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper activity. The big secret is tons of you are blessed by this but not diagnosed.
I found one of these people today I went into a store in Abilene Texas to look at the price of gun powder and primers. The clerk in the store verbally attacked me by loudly correcting every mistake I made. If I said 30/20 powder he would say no such thing and go off in a tirade. Now he did share with me that the store is up for sale again and his son is buying it. This is the 3 sale of said store and the second time I have been it when its stock was very very low.
Clerk the Jerk proceeded to tell me how Academy Sports and Outdoors ran their business. What other stores carried. He even told me that his neck surgery was not a fusion that they do not fuse necks any more. I doubt my business will hurt him and his son any but how many customers does he attack in this manner. If this man represents the shooting sports in this way there will be tons of people not interested in their children shooting. I myself will not be back in his store I will drive to Dallas first.

Monday, November 1, 2010

16947 county rd 341 - Google Maps

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.

voting tomrrow

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.

voting tomrrow

Tomorrow November 2 2010 when the rest of these United States are voting for the first time in my 55 years on this planet and being of the age to vote I will not cast a vote. There are two reasons for this 1. Somewhere in a pledge I believe it says Justice for all. 2. I saw the movie today J. Edgar Hoovers secret papers.
Let me begin with the first “Justice for all”. About a year ago a Jones County Deputy Sheriff was banging on my door at 0130. This Deputy one Mr. Foresee I believe said come out here and talk to me about a complaint. I was promptly arrested and toated to jail but not before he exhausted all tries at lying to the lady in my bed to get her out of the house. My attorney got a letter from the Jones county Judge saying all charges were dropped because no complaint was filed. There is no Justice for anyone if law enforcement offences’ can lie legally with no retbution such as time off without –pay for a bad arrest. If you will just watch the shows like 48hours mystery,20/20 when they do there murder miseries you will be left wondering if the badge carriers graduated kindergarten or maybe they escaped the retarded house somewhere, because by and large all of these shows show how the law enforcement screwed it up so bad that the killer will never be found.
Now for the Nation’s most infamous homosexual J Edgar Hoover who according to this movie for 30 years and 30,000+ people kept records on and controlled the president’s senators F.B.I. agents and god knows who else and no one stood up to defy him. In fact Melvin Purvis an ex F.B.I. agent blew his head off because of Hoover. If one man like this behind the scenes can control so many, then the whole pledge and nation are no better than Hitler’s Germany. We say one nation under god or whoever is the next (Hoover) indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Horse crap for J Edgar Hoover’s life he ran things and if you tried to do different he blackmailed you.