Wednesday, December 24, 2008

why do we need law enforcment

12/18/2008 and a police radio
My question for the day is why? Why have police? Why have a better business beau? Why have an F.B.I.? The things that they are supposed to do are not done. Police are supposed to catch bad guys they are suppose to work with the Federal Beau of Investigation. You see today I received one of those scam Letters from over seas at least the check portion form U.P.S. . . . The lady at my credit union confirmed it was a scam. She said that they would not even take the thing. She explained that if I deposited it in my account I was responsible for the face amount that the check was made out for. I had made copies of the letters sent in communication as regards the check so when I ask the question why sent id by U.P.S. she pointed to the amount I would be sending back to the lady for her need 1000+ and the 3,000 check would bounce leaving me owing 3,000 dollars.
I ask her about reporting it to the police she said what good will that do what can they do? They will not do anything!! I took it to the Abilene Texas Better Business Beau. The lady I talked to there was even less impressive about trying to stop this thing. She ask me if I knew where these people were, I replied that is not my job it is the polices job. If they are not going to do there job why is the citizenry taxed for the Gestapo that is going to harass them and leave the criminals alone because it is too hard to catch one. The Abilene Texas police department has made a big news worthy brew ha ha about rounding up whores and there Johns, busting the 8 liners and they have a unsolved murder of 5 or more years. I guess the intelligence of the Abilene Police is so low that whores, johns and gambling machines trump murders. Every time I see a Abilene Police car it is parked somewhere in hiding or with another officer talking, I think they fear a criminal (outlaw) because he will hurt them.
Criminals do not have a fear of owning guns because they are outlaws they don’t buy guns they steal them and a patrol car is loaded with them so that maybe why they park in twos so they are safe. A good bow and arrow through an open police car into the head of the officer and the Outlaw has access to many many firearms too.
and a police radio

Saturday, November 22, 2008

God and jesus does not exist


God and Jesus do not exist.
This conclusion was drawn from the actions of Jesus followers. I let a minister of God on my land to hunt free I ask nothing of him. He showed up with his son in law in tow and as I call them the Adams family, the original thing was for him only. His son in law starts I am led to the conclusion that God and Jesus Christ also Allah are non entities do not a small fire to make coffee in a tall weed surrounded area in a creek within 50 yards of a deer stand, we are under a burn ban so is his county . The Adams family lives less than 30 miles from me. I get there camera and deer feeder bring them up to the house and tell them to get there things and leave. The minister said first words out of his mouth you never wanted us on your place in the first place. Then he said “What are the rules.”A minister of god asking the rules??? Did not Jesus give the rule the Golden Rule the only rule you need ever. A Jewish rabbi said do to others exactly as you wish to do to you and all the rest of the Torah is commentary. You would not want someone taking chances with your property then when on someone else’s property don’t take chances with there property. This fire that was built to make coffee was in a area with grass so tall that if a spark had of drifted all the feet in the whole United States Army could have not stomped it out and his feet was all he had!! One may argue that this one rule will not cover all occasions but if one ask ones self how would I want to be treated it will. You would not for instance show up at a formal party in your greasy work cloths. This brings me to my final point. I believe the Bible has been purposely tampered with, point the party that the rich ruler threw and everyone he asked had a prior engagement so he sent his servants out to the street to get homeless. He later throws one of them out for not being properly dressed, where does a homeless person without a job get proper clothing for a rich person’s party unless the rich person provide

Friday, November 21, 2008

stuck on stupid

We in America are stuck on stupid. Our politicians’ have given the business the money to bail themselves out of there economic wows. Now the car companies are going down. What amazes me is they gave enough money away to make every one in America a millionaire. Why not give the money to the source us poor broke people. Think about it if you are given a million and you owe 100,000 dollars to Freddie Mac or Fannie may you can now pay it off and keep your house, everyone wins. You have extra to buy a car or truck or send the child to college.
Then if they passed a law that says those of us on Disability income who can not have a savings can put say 100,000 dollars in a medical insurance account savings that earns interest and ¼ of that interest may be used to supplement our income again everyone wins. The nation’s savings have monies in them to lend to business and individuals. People will buy things an start the economy moving again .This would stop our economic wows but the politicians’ we Hire by voting are just stupid and we who vote or not vote are stupid too for not expressing our views by writing our representatives .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

America the non free.

I was reading today on I believe a website about how America is reading on the level of 6 graders. This site said Americans are not reading and thus are illiterate,they pointed out that our restaurants have pictures of the meals so that our illiterate people do not have to read but can point to the approprate picture. The gist of all of this is the people are not red states versus blue states but litter ate and illiterate states. No place can be free and unable to read and write, the prime example is both Afghanistan and Iraq they are populated by people who cant even read the Koran there religious book so they follow people who can all the way to wrapping themselves in explosives for a place in heaven as a mart er.
I looked up Tom Hanks actor he went to college, most of these young illiterate persons hero's did go to college. These leaders read and lead with speeches targeted at 6Th grade level. Like a large bull with much power can when a ring is placed in his nose can be led by a child with that ring, so can America. History is replete with those who lead many countries to destruction and many peoples to death. God Help us if we do not learn to read and stop our religious right and our political left the two most deadly enemies of freedom.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I was talking to a soldier that served in Viet Nam. This man said Viet nam was a DRUG WAR and it is intresting that in the movie "American Ganster it is depected how a man went to Viet Nam and got a deal to ship drugs back to the United States for his wealth. It is intresting that when I lived in North Carolina I was made awaye of a Narcotics Cop that was stationed at a port of entry for deseased U.S. soilders and they did as he put it autopsies on these men and found drugs inside of there bodies. This brings a point that this war would have been know from the top down Lyndon Johnson/Richard Nixon and all the litter people involved. It also means that the cruption in America is from the White House to the streets including every congressman and woman in office. It also means that many many average vote or non vote casting Americans are responsible for 52000 names on a grannet wall. How can we believe either Republican or Democratic party when they would have been a willing accomplis to all of this.