Thursday, June 16, 2016

06/16/16 AMUSEMENT
God please answer the prayer of your amusement. I know now you created me so you and Jesus could have something to laugh at. For 61 years you and he have laughed at me. It explains the brain you gave me with ADHD & Bi Polar. It explain lonesomeness the mother the father the brother that despise and hate me. All this so you and Jesus could laugh what an honor it has been. It explains Hershey the elders son who talked me out of baptism and mine was private. It explains the 1st or second grade teacher that shook me violently for making mistakes.

You and Jesus needed a poor soul so stupid and despised that it would amuse you. OK but if there is nothing better for me in my life please answer my prayer and end my life. I am tired of fighting to do the simplest things. To forever be a few dollars short. To never have children or grandchildren I can hold. To never have a horse to ride that brought some pleasure. I never held a job because of the brain you gave me. The mother you gave me forced with her money me into welding school. Had I refused I am sure she would have tossed me out on the street. It explains why people like my grandparents who said “Find your calling” were wrong and my mother knew Welder. Even if I hated everyday of welding that explains the frequent job changes, Firings & layoffs. It explains the bad spelling the lack of computer knowledge and failures. All so you and Jesus could laugh. It has been an honor BUT if nothing else is in store for me please send me to whatever you have planed for me beyond life.