Monday, August 27, 2012

The List (a venting)

08/24/12 List
1.made me play billy goat gruff the troll.
2.Told my 4 Th grade teacher to mind her own business when she said I might be dyslexic
3.called me home from Susie when I should have ran Floy off and might have kept Sarah.
4.sent Cindy away thus twice inserting your bullying ways into my life that I know of.
  1. telling me that if I was going to get your help to go to school it would be welding school(Bully) me such encouragement for college “How the hell are you going to college you barely made it out of high school” Harmful at best.
7.”You and dad always fighting which is destabilizing to children
8. By sending me to welding school assuring I make most of my life less than $7.00 a hour.
9.hating me for the pain I caused you giving me birth.
10 trying to make it equal between Marshall(golden boy) and me in the inherent ace. THE ONLY HOPE OF EQYALITY WOULD HAVE BEEN IN MY DEATH AT BIRTH.
  1. failing to recognize (OR FUCKING IGNORING MY WANTS AND LIKES) just think could I have been a money making photographer or gunsmith instead of a starving welder???????????????????
I just wonder if Jesus when you meet him will point these things out to you. You and Dad invested both emotionality and money wise in MARSHALL and his roping! I bet Lee Cockrell got him the PRCA card he entered those rodeos on. I bet he never earned a $1000.00 on a permit to become a member. HE(MARSHALL) Golden child has donated his entry fees at Stanford for decades with not a win be speaks of his ability. You have a book called Rope Burns Look for your Legendary son in it.
12.The very thought that you think that making our inheritance EQUAL after a life of harmful treatment both emotional and demeaning towards me is testimony to you meanness. You care nothing for what the Bible Teaches and you actions toward me is testimony to this. Sarah Serenity Green(now Gobs) lack of a father is in your hands. Eva Nicole Green's father not being in her life is testimony to your all knowing bullying. THERE WAS A QUESTION ASKED OF DR.WENDELL BROOM OF A.C.U.(HOW CAN I [universal I] BE HAPPY IN HEAVEN KNOWING MY FATHER OR MOTHER IS IN HELL? HE SAID THIS”I WAS IN AFRICA AS A MISSIONARY SUPPOSE I FATHERED A BUNCH OF ILLEGETMATE CHILDREN LIKE A ROCK IN A POND THE CIRCLES KEEP GOING OUTWARD SO WOULD BE MY SIN. DR BROOM SAID HE THOUGHT WHEN YOU ARE SHOWN ALL THE LIVES THAT IT TOUCHED IN A EVIL WAY YOU COULD UNDERSTAND WHY THIS PERSON SHOULD BE IN HELL.
  1. Eva Nicole Green her children there children,.
  2. Sarah Serenity Green her children and there children
  3. Jake Green and his children and his children children
  4. Emily Theresa Green and her children and her children see the circular waves you caused by your bullying.
  5. Jesse Lee Green if he ever decides Jesus holds no hope for him and he kills himself. Because he keeps looking at a wasted worthless life that has no hope of ever getting any better ever.
  6. My deafness because of 30 years of loud grinders welding machines in my illustrious career you saw fit to push on me.
  7. Your encouragement of my when I was taught by you of my math skill(you moron what is wrong with you) I know a P.H.D. Witch= a doctor is no where as smart as you but several have said your treatment of me crippled me in the field of math. Math equals a better education and thus more money over a lifetime. GOD WHY DID I NOT DIE IN CHILD BIRTH?????????
  8. I KNOW YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND EMOTIONAL SCARING!! But say you threw gasoline on me and then followed it with a match say my face first it would create horrible physical scarring and then emotional scarring that can't be seen picture Mike Mitchell now put Lee's face on him and his burns. Do you get a idea of what you would have to do to start to equalize between Marshall and me????????????????
  9. BURNS THIRD DEGREE: but you burned me many times not just calling my wife and I back to Texas to starve and use our savings then to have to go back to North Carolina and start over.
  10. I know Marshall the golden child is very like you selfish because Jerry Conner who use to rope with him does not now because Marshall yells too much. So I know he is a caustic human that thinks of “MARSHALL” cross reference “The Kidney”
  11. There are photographers all over the place and in your book of my life you mention my love of photography!! Why not photography school (picture third degree burn)
  12. I love guns and shooting why not gunsmith school(picture third degree burn)
  13. After Doug McGraw's visitation we were eating you were talking about cremation and Mike Mitchel's burns. I said and you sent me into welding. “you said I did not send you into welding” so I am lying son of a bitch when I heard you say”You(Lee) need school beyond high school and if I am helping you will go to welding school (picture a third degree burn on my face) are you the liar and the harmer or am I the son of a bitch????????
  14. picture this you standing before Jesus and he says there are two big max screens look at the movies on them please. We see a little boy playing a troll on one screen and he never goes into acting. Then the other screen shows a child not playing a troll but this same boy goes into acting and wins several awards(picture 3rd degree burn) and it goes on down through my burned life. How with a meager inheritance do you make up for a life burned by a heartless selfish bully. On one screen it shows a gunsmith named Lee green making $6000.00 rifles for customers! On one screen it shows a photographer winning awards because some one a loving mother bought him a great camera and encouraged him.
  15. I think if I could see in your heart you did not want me going to college because you were afraid I might be successful and then not need you. So which is better a failure that you must help and get to make feel guilty for every penny or something else.
  16. You might as well face the cold hard fact that Marshall is a selfish monster that if you get really sick will abandon you to a sick ward. The government will take all of your money so you are broke enough for medicare to keep you and he will visit when hell freezes over.
  17. I will eventually give up and kill me or sell out and move far away because I realize if I end up with .5cents when is all said and done from you I can praise god.
  18. Emily has some of you in her and this is why she is so mean too.
  19. My best hope is Sarah or Ava needs my body to save a person in there lives and I get to meet them.
  20. Now I mention all the nightmares and dreams I have had about these two children. How much money is this worth do you think..10cents I bet
  21. But if you by your actions caused my failure and need of money should you not pay? Say someone beat the hell out of you on your morning walk. What would the charges be and how many years of there lives would be taken by prison?? Perhaps there is a justice of a kind you built my situation and it cost you dearly.
  22. If you read the Bible you get the impression correctly that the Jews thought if you were rich God loved you if you were poor not so much. Jesus came along and pissed the Jews off on this point with his stories(parables) you find out this if you read a Tanach.
  23. The Jews also had the idea that they were headed to Heaven because their ancestors were Moses Jacob and Issac Jesus also informed them that that was false. That they would be where they were because of the works that represented the following of gods will. Like helping the poor.
  24. When I attempted to rope I found my place was to load the chute with calves and turn them out for J.W. And Marshall I quit roping.
  25. My father and his brother Whitt put me on a colt when I was a baby less than 6 and it jerked loose from them bucking with me which scared me for most of my life.
  26. There has never been a microbe of fair equal in my life and now you insist on making the inheritance fair are you incapable of seeing how laughable this is!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


08/10/12 Dogs from Rescue the Animals & City Pound

I got a dog from the City of Abilene Pound after attempting to get one from Rescue The Animals. Rescue the Animals has dogs by there words that have been in those little rooms for two to three years and more that are kept in those little pens waiting for adoption. Why not send them to doggy heaven after a period of time. The city pound told us that our dog that was a male and was female.. A worker at Rescue the animals told me that the dogs at the pound are cremated This I do not know for certain. I do think that keeping anything in a pen for three years is more cruel than a bullet to the brain. Perhaps the people at rescue the animals should spent three years in one of those pens in there own poop and pee with the pens cleaned once a day. Godly people are worried about gay marriage and support organizations that keep dogs alive and locked up for years. Take horses from people ! Get laws passed to be sure there human treatment is law.