Saturday, May 26, 2012

05/26/12 Trying Presidents of the United States

I have a friend that thinks George Bush and Cheney should e tried for water boarding torture another words. Well I think we should also try Obama,Biden,and Holder for Fast and Furious after all a U.S. Citizen a member of law enforcement was killed because of their actions. President Bush and Vice president Cheney did not cause the death of a U.S. Citizen and flood a neighboring country with guns that criminals use to kill citizens of its country. All of this so the gun control laws in the United states could be made stricter.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It has arrived

05/09/12 It Has Arrived
If you are a veteran and served in the military of the United States it will happen to you too. This day 9 May 2012 I was ask by Mike Davis the psychology person of the V.A. Clinic in Abilene Texas”how many guns do you own”. I have no way of knowing if this question is ask of every veteran or not or just the ones that mention that they hunt but it frightened me because it pinpoints the people that they know have guns. If say Obama ordered martial law then they would have a list of veterans that have and how many that they have as a starting point. Seems like a great idea take out the people most likely trained in how to use them out first.