Tuesday, April 24, 2012


04/24/12 Definitions
DESERVE:1 to be worthy of :MERIT 2 to be worthy fit or suitable for some reward or requital
What is the difference in this and allowing Obama and every reporter in the United States to go around saying someone deserves something just because they are alive? Well if the oxygen tank is big enough thousands will be killed and burned. Which will put a reporter on the scene saying they did not deserve this fate. People deserve good medical care,water,food,education,and this generation of Obama can't define scat! So the college educated ill English trained people really think that everyone deserves everything.

Monday, April 23, 2012

seventeen years

04/23/12 Seventeen Years
It was a couple of days ago that K.T.X.S reminded all of us that 17 years ago Columbine high school massacre occurred. A few days before that the news media was talking about Charles Manson coming up for parole. It seems to me that these anniversary reminders are perhaps contributing to the problem of awful crimes. Stop and think if you (universal you,anybody) are not thinking like the rest of the world then you might think the way to be remembered is by blowing up something or someone. Killing a politician a well loved sports figure. Should the news do it's civic duty and forget these anniversaries leave them not mentioned.   

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Taste Of Abilene

04/04/12 Taste of Abilene

I attended “A Taste of Abilene” on April 3 2012.I was reminded of a story I heard about a man named Joe Foss the leading world war two fighter ace of the United States Marine Corps,20th governor of South Dakota,and first commissioner of the American Football League;it was said that he walked across a stadium to shake the hand of a Janitor that wanted to meet him.
When we got in to the civic center and then into the line got our food and drink. Then we wondered around trying to find a seat but all were taken by these invisible people. Finally someone pointed out that out the door in the foyer there was room and the inn. By the time we were seated our food was cold the beer warm. We were shunned by all those at the semi empty tables. Some of those people were Elders and Deacons in Churches in Abilene. A Elder or Deacon is by the very institution a Representative of Jesus Christ. So what ever action that these do is exactly what Christ would do,from my treatment there I do not want much to do with Christ.
One would think that with the Boy Scouts and Rotarian’s there there would have been some signs directing people. The snobbery is to be expected. My table mates expressed the same feelings about the snobbery and wondering around looking for a seat. If this is Abilene Texas,The Rotary club,and the Boy Scouts of Abilene best then I highly suggest they read about Joseph Jacob Foss And Jesus Christ then ask: Is this the picture we want to present to the world. I have worked banquets under Ernie Delacruz production Chef at Abilene Christian University there were people seating people it was total organization unlike the Taste of Abilene.