Friday, June 24, 2011

our law enforcment

Well in all the news the story is about Whitey Bolder the no1 on the F.B.I”s most wanted list. Two things that struck me most are 1. They used a Ruse to get him out of his apartment. They LIED to get him to come to them. 2.They will not say whether the person responsible for the tip will be rewarded the second lie we will pay money then you tip and the F.B.I. Says they will check Justice Department. If you look up Texas Ranger Frank Hammer you will find out that he tied and toured the man that gave him the information about Bonney And Clyde, you will also read that there was no warning just shooting that killed them. This is our so called Law Enforcement.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It is a shame

It is a total shame and lack of brains that the majority of the United States citizens cant corral some 435 members of our citizens with a constitutional amendment that makes them subject to their own laws. This amendment should be worded so that this is retroactive. I assure you when this happens our problems will become yesterdays news. The Congress and Senate of the United States will finally become true citizens with social security.

Monday, June 6, 2011

lying society

We in America teach Honesty in school and in Sunday school. We tell stories of George Washington and his telling the truth about chopping down his father's Cherry tree. Then our society is honey combed with lies. Crime Stoppers says we pay UP TO 1,000.00 dollars for information that leads to solving a crime but the truth is the way it is worded they could give you fifty cents and be good honest cops. There is a phone company that advertizes rates starting at 10.00 dollars when your bill comes in at 99.00 dollars they have not lied.I was looking for a car so I went to a dealership that advertized a car at a low price when I got there that car I was told was sold and the ad was ran but they could not control when this car sold and they had no more of that car.Bait and switch I thought was not legal but alas it is happening all over our society from Crime Stoppers and the police to car sellers. A society that allows lying is eaten from within like worms in meat or cirrhosis of the liver and will not long remain healthy. The society as history shows will be destroyed.

lying society

We in America teach Honesty in school and in Sunday school. We tell stories of George Washington and his telling the truth about chopping down his father's Cherry tree. Then our society is honey combed with lies. Crime Stoppers says we pay UP TO 1,000.00 dollars for information that leads to solving a crime but the truth is the way it is worded they could give you fifty cents and be good honest cops. There is a phone company that advertizes rates starting at 10.00 dollars when your bill comes in at 99.00 dollars they have not lied.I was looking for a car so I went to a dealership that advertized a car at a low price when I got there that car I was told was sold and the ad was ran but they could not control when this car sold and they had no more of that car.Bait and switch I thought was not legal but alas it is happening all over our society from Crime Stoppers and the police to car sellers. A society that allows lying is eaten from within like worms in meat or cirrhosis of the liver and will not long remain healthy. The society as history shows will be destroyed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I am Bipolar& Attention Deficit Disorder

06/01/11 I am Bipolar& attention deficit disorder
I think I have finally gotten God's message .Attempt nothing, do nothing n, For heavens sakes do not build anything. If I do I will not have the things needed to build with or the money to buy them. If you are using screws witch I prefer because it holds the wood better I will not have the length screws I need. Should I have the length needed I will not have the number needed. Perhaps I will be plaughed with tool problems like the screws are too soft and strip out. Then the bit used to screw the screw's in will be too soft and twist out. I usually try to level the project I am working on but this by the time I finish is voided by the lack of something. So the message from God must be ,do nothing,try nothing,build nothing,and whit for his lightening to struck.