Monday, February 28, 2011

People who think they are God

I know a man that retired from the U.S. Navy and is a so called computer expert. He says he has no sympathy for anyone because he suffers from H.I.V. and other diseases. This man clams to be close to God and says he is going to heaven. He offers no quarter to anyone it is your entire fault you made the decisions that put you where you are. So if you have a problem say Turrets and your cussing got you fired that is your problem you should learn to control your cussing. He says if you know god as he does there is no room for Hate. Interesting God said Jacob I have loved Esau I have hated, and there was a good reason for that statement too.
I ask this man to copy and paste some information I wanted to forward to friends as I was unable to do it, he sent me the web link. With the statement is this you wanted? I sent him a message back that he should be tied to a bomb or the space shuttle on next launch and explained what I wanted and why again. I explained to him that not all people with computers can open links or have that knowledge; this in his eyes makes them inferior people not worth his time. He speaks of his job in the navy as master chief as being GOD and I from his conversations think he believes himself to be GOD. Why is it that a Jewish Rabbi said “do to others that which you want done to you” my translation and you will do this to someone send a link when they requested something else, and you think you will be in heaven!!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

not real men

I have been talking to a woman in a neighboring town that is abused by her husband more mental than psychically. He according to her writes her millage down daily, gives her ½ tank of fuel for a week the car is in his name too. She lives in Texas a community property state and has been married to him for 32 years which the law says all they have together should be split 50/50. Even Mel Gibson took a hit of millions if not billion on his divorce and much bad press even to the point that there is speculation his career is gone.
These so called men are not men. What they are can only be described as monsters like Henry the 8th of England the King who beheaded several women because they would not give him a son. Like this King they think that they can do anything they wish to a woman. If when such men were brought to a real court and real justice not the courts we have so screwed up by lawyers afraid of being out of work. Remember that the judges are lawyers too so they allow all the cute legal maneuvers then become politicians and screw up our laws by defiling the constitution. Back to the chase if these men when convicted were assigned two women like LeFem Nakitia to be over them for however many years they get and to have these women write the millage on their cars down give them orders abuse them mentally and if they do object a little psychical abuse in the form of a ass whopping. Two things would be accomplished the unemployment would be reduced and possibly some men would learn to be men again. Perhaps the woman could be assigned to the lawyers and so called judges as well till they learned things like HONOR, TRUTH, JUSTICE, and how to dispense honestly the law without predugice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

innocent prisoners

I read today about man released in Texas from prison for being innocent of the charges which he spent 18 years locked up for. He should be given 1.4 million but because of the wording the judge used he is not qualified for the compensation. The article said there have been 67 men released and compensated for being innocent and he should be 68. If there are 67 or 68 then there ought to be a law on the books that says the prosecutor and judge plus the investigators on these cases should at least serve 10 years without parole loose all rights to practice law or be law enforcement people this is the only way to stop innocent people from being locked up by the system.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yesterday or the day before in Abilene Texas there was a shooting. They say road rage caused it a 21 year old lost his life he also was the puller of the gun first. Every interview I saw said the man in the blue truck was defending his self from the driver of the white car who was killed. The Abilene Police said it will be up to a grand jury as to what happens to the shooter. The press in Abilene is interviewing people who say the shooter should be in jail. This may be why in most cases the constitution is toilet paper not the law of the land. It may also explain why the police have as much power as in Adolf Hitler’s Germany. I darn well say one thing we are not a people willing to let the laws work the way they should. So the next time a policeman ignores the 4 or any other amendment t to the constitution you only have yourself to blame. If we are a land o0f laws then when they don’t do what we want be patience not jumping to conclusions.