Sunday, August 31, 2008


I was talking to a soldier that served in Viet Nam. This man said Viet nam was a DRUG WAR and it is intresting that in the movie "American Ganster it is depected how a man went to Viet Nam and got a deal to ship drugs back to the United States for his wealth. It is intresting that when I lived in North Carolina I was made awaye of a Narcotics Cop that was stationed at a port of entry for deseased U.S. soilders and they did as he put it autopsies on these men and found drugs inside of there bodies. This brings a point that this war would have been know from the top down Lyndon Johnson/Richard Nixon and all the litter people involved. It also means that the cruption in America is from the White House to the streets including every congressman and woman in office. It also means that many many average vote or non vote casting Americans are responsible for 52000 names on a grannet wall. How can we believe either Republican or Democratic party when they would have been a willing accomplis to all of this.